Second Life Photo Show Event

If you do photography in Second Life™ or consider it screen captures then you likely want better images. Possibly you may even want to create impressive images and sell them as NFTs.

Focus Magazine is putting on the FOCUS Photography Fair. They are promoting it as; Poses, Props, backdrops, lighting, and more.

Promo Poster

Having been there I can say they have done an impressive show. I’ve found a number of things I did not know were available in SL. Some of these items make it so If you are not an SL builder you can still manipulate the world to make the images you dream up.

I have found posing hands in Black Dragon especially tedious. There is a Bento Hand poser at the fair. It does a great job of allowing me to easily manipulate hands. Yay! But, I have to do that before I start BD’s Poser. Boo! Still it helps.

There are a number of photo-studios you can buy.

Continue reading Second Life Photo Show Event

Second Life News Week #26

Getting the news out took a bit as I decided to include my own Meet the Lindens video. Pantera Północy posts his videos more quickly than I do. I get bored with his single camera angle. I also process the video to improve the audio… since my camera is moving around have to capture audio at my avatar’s location, not the more easily controlled camera location which has the audio level is all over the place if I move around. That single spot audio is not the best, so I think it still needs some help. But it is serviceable.

Other News

I’ll start off with this alarming bit of news showing where RL government is going with climate change, Climate Apocalypse? Ireland To Ban Private Cars, Import 1M Third-World Migrants. Whatever you think about Climate Change, make sure you aren’t just drinking someone’s Kool-Aid.

SL16B Crowd – The Meet the Lindens Tuesday event was attended by close to 200 people, 11 were Lindens, spread over four regions. Max per region was about 55. I didn’t crash and things worked well. People were a bit slow rendering, textures lagged, but no regions crashed. My FPS was in the 7 to 11 FPS (i5, 32GB, GTX-1060 High-Ultra Shadows + Projectors). – April’s mic was cutting out. – The video is a bit jerky. At 7FPS that happens.

Video Abstract

The video starts with Oz and April telling us about their history with Second Life™. Both were residents before they were hired by the Lab. I found this part of the video INTERESTING… Saffia is a good interviewer.

When we can get Oz or other techy Lindens talking, they always have interesting stuff to say and we learn things about the SL system.

In this Meet the Lindens meeting, April Linden confessed that 2 to 6 months ago they moved the SL inventory to the cloud. Not every detail has moved, but basic inventory (database) now runs in the cloud on much faster computers. And no one noticed, which is what the Lindens want. Continue reading Second Life News Week #26

Second Life News 2019 w20

A berry good introduction to Second Life™ popped up on YouTube yesterday, How to Get Started in Second Life New User Tutorial.

Save a link to the video. You can refer people to it that ask about Second Life™.


There is currently no DEPLOYS post which is sort of expected this week as a maintenance project is in progress this week. From Grid Status a few days ago,

Scheduled – Our engineers will be performing maintenance on the Second Life network May 13 – 16. We hope to perform most of the maintenance early in this window, but it may extend several days if needed.

Residents may experience problems connecting to, being disconnected from, or an inability to log in during this time, as well as possible issues rezzing objects, teleporting, or crossing regions. We hope to keep these disruptions to a minimum and greatly appreciate your patience during this time as we work to make Second Life more robust.

We will resolve this status once the maintenance has been fully completed.
May 7, 16:16 PDT

Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w20

Feed a Smile, a charity serving Kenyan school children.

The Silk Road Series #1 FUND RAISER for Feed a Smile is a combined RL & SL LIVE EVENT held at The Writers Centre, Singapore and a region in Second Life™ from which it will be streamed.

Time: Saturday, May 18  – TIME: 5am-8am SLT

Location: Caravanserai, (SL Map URL) the Crossroads of the Arts In SL and a Monash University, Melbourne Australia region.

Twitch stream: – Try this during the event.
Second Life link: or Map URL.

From Singapore to Second Life: come to the Caravanserai for a one-night stopover to witness a grand live concert, streamed online as Singapore wordsmiths and improv musicians team up with accomplished artists, writers, musicians, comics, filmmakers and poets from Germany, UK, Holland, Portugal, Japan, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Canada and the USA.

This coming together of SL and Singaporean artists is in aid of Feed a Smile, a charity serving Kenyan school children. Continue reading Feed a Smile, a charity serving Kenyan school children.

Bits and Bites of Second & Real Life 2019 w07

Focus Magazine is for those of us that enjoy taking snapshots in-world. This issue their featured Second Life™ photographer is Sari. Some of her nice images are in the magazine.

Cover Focus Magazine – Feb 2019

The magazine covers things related to SL photographers’ interests. Some homes and stuff, clothes, poses, backdrops, photo locations, skins, places, and even an advice column.

You can join the group Too Sexy for This Group to get your monthly copy. This group is the complimentary part of the Flickr group Too Sexy for this Group! Second Life. These are sexy groups. Less lewd and more erotic than most.

The Linden event Special Valentine’s Day Hug and Dunk has been announced, Wednesday 2/6. See the announcement here. On Thursday, February 14th from 10am-12pm, drop by the Isle of View (SURL) for a chance to hug and/or dunk some Lindens.

Russia – By April 1 of this year the Russian government plans to have taken full control of the Internet within Russia and to test that control by disconnecting the Russian Internet from the rest of the world. There is no announced date for the disconnect. It is a test and the connection will be restored. But, for a time Russians will be isolated. (Ref BBC)

Continue reading Bits and Bites of Second & Real Life 2019 w07

Second Life News w/3rd Party Dev Meeting 2019 w03 & 4

There is news. Everyone has been back to work long enough post-holiday for things to be getting completed. So, changes are in progress. I am behind, again. So, I’m just getting this converted from my notes to something readable.


We did get a Deploy post, appearing Tuesday afternoon.

The Rainforest Photo Contest, Entry # 2
The Rainforest Photo Contest, Entry # 2

The main channel updates to version # This version is listed as having logging collecting data to build a baseline performance measure. Also, more internal logging.

My empirical take is things have degraded. But, without some objective measure that is only an opinion. As I started flying a complex Shergood helicopter in July 2018 my perception of region reliability has likely changed. But, my observation of what happens when crossing region boundaries is more factual.

Using the Firestorm Viewer, I have the option to cross regions in two ways. The default is to cross using the basic viewer prediction of what should happen for a smoother appearing crossing. The other is sort of stop-action crossing. (Preferences->Move & View->Movement->Movement at region crossing: Predict or Stop)

Continue reading Second Life News w/3rd Party Dev Meeting 2019 w03 & 4

Second Life Bits 2018 w05

The rent is too damn high… a popular exclamation in Second Life™. For relief check out Penny Patton’s article Reducing the Cost of Land by Scaling Down.

This is not her only article on reducing land cost or making more efficient use of Second Life. So, you may want to browse her blog.

I’ll point out here that Penny’s ideas on the ‘Default Camera Position’ are being adopted by the Lab. We will soon have “Preset Default Camera Positions” as a feature of the Linden Viewer.

Doors – Another thing with Penny and her building to scale. In another article, Smaller Doors Anyone Can Fit Through, she on about making doors into SL building to scale.

The handy knowledge in this article is for those that have bought homes/building other have made. How does one scale down a building and still fit through the door? Penny has the answer.

Animations – I came across this video from a post in a Plurk.

Notice the hand and face animations.

On Plurk Dutchie® has been promoting the ‘dance’ chair. There are some NSFW images from the dances.  Continue reading Second Life Bits 2018 w05

PSA – Talk Like a Pirate – Can you?

This is a benefit with an in-world component. It looks fun. The announcement is:

Talk Like a Pirate

Issued: September 15, 2017

Caledonia Skytower, Seanchai Library

Seanchai Library Goes Salty for International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Second Life – They are dusting off their cutlasses, refreshing their command of “The Code” and getting ready to celebrate an event that marks the beginning of the “High Story Season” for one of Second Life’s oldest spoken word programs –  now in its tenth year.  Seanchai Library will celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day with Pirate Sunday on September 17th beginning at 1pm at Holly Kai Park, followed by music and dancing across the region at the Holly Kai Park Pavilion.

“Any time of year is a good time for a story,” said Chief Storyteller, Shandon Loring, ” but Talk Like a Pirate Day really kicks things off. It will be one special theme after another, with a lot of extra demand for stories, from now until a few weeks after St Patrick’s Day.”

Seanchai Library is launching the season in style this week: presenting a schedule littered with swashbuckling tales, and offering its second annual Pirate Sunday featuring 90 minutes of salty adventures live in voice with Kayden Oconnell, Aoife Lorefield, and Caledonia Skytower.  At 2:30pm festivities will shift over to the Holly Kai Park Pavilion (just a teleport away by the on-island system) for music and dancing.  The Pavilion is easily accessible to vessels enjoying the Blake Sea, and residents are invited to sail by and drop in, to shake their swashbuckling money maker.

Pirate Sunday benefits Feed a Smile, supporting a school in Kenya founded and run by Brique Topaz 16 years ago through her German-based Live and Learn in Kenya charity. 100 Lindens equals approximately 30 cents in real-world currency, which pays for one child’s meal. One-third of all money raised for each month’s food budget is collected through donations in SL at The Lavender Fields where musicians perform in support of the children.

Seanchai Library will follow up Sunday’s festivities on Tuesday, September 19th (the day itself!) with two back to back story sessions featuring the piratical works of writers active in Second Life.  At 7pm “Pirate George Night” will feature selections from R. Crap Mariner’s canon of 100-word stories – known as “drabble.”  Just over a year ago Mariner began writing pieces which began with the line “George was a pirate, but he wasn’t a very good pirate…” and the rest is history.  Members of the Seanchai staff will bravely share George’s various pirate adventures, selected randomly from the “George stories,” and read “cold” – with no advanced preparation.

At 8:30pm, author Matthew Howard will share an episode from his own canon of works featuring an interstellar female pirate in 2029 – Meteor Mags.  In “Hang My Body on the Pier”, the heroine recalls the exploits of her great-grandmother, who rose from a disguised ship’s boy to a Pirate Queen, connected to the legends by a song.  Author Howard will present the story himself, live in voice.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a parodic holiday created in 1995 by John Bauer (“Ol’ Chumbucket”) and Mark Summers (“Cap’n Slappy”), of Albany, Oregon, U.S., who proclaimed September 19 each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate. The holiday and its observance springs from a romanticized, and comic view of the Golden Age of Piracy.  According to Summers, the day is the only known holiday to come into being as a result of a sports injury. During a racquetball game between Summers and Bauer, one of them reacted to the pain with an outburst of “Aaarrr!”, and the idea was born.

Seanchai Library (Shawn-a-key, which means “Storyteller” in Irish.) was founded in March of 2008 in Second Life. Thousands of stories, and hundreds of authors later, the program remains dedicated to promoting the power of stories to transform and inspire through live voice presentations: “We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.” Learn more about the program at Seanchai Library’s website –

The event will begin at the Seanchai Library at Holly Kai Park.
All listed times are SLT (PT).

I hope you’ll check it out.