Photoshop 2020 June Update & Tips

Adobe has released a new set of updates. For those of us in Second Life, there isn’t a lot to get excited about in this update. There is enough to be interesting.

I suspect the most useful update in Photoshop is to the Select Subject feature. Jesús thinks its better. The example used in the video… leaves me undecided. I’ll have to get some experience with it before I decide. I suspect he is right. And the Adobe examples do make it look better than Jesús’ example.

On to the updates…

Lens Blur – They have improved this feature too. I often use it. The viewer’s Depth of Field does some nice blurring on its own. While the viewer’s DoF is simple and more than adequate, Photoshop’s Lens Blur is awesome… and complex offering many controls.

If I think I want to blur a background, foreground, or combination of the two in a photo I’ll snap both a Color and Depth image. Then I use Lens Blur to get the look I want.

It will let you blur just background, just foreground, or some combination of both. One uses the Set Focal Point in the tool to select what is in focus. That selects a shade of gray in the depth map to consider in focus and progressively blurs other levels of gray as they go darker or lighter.

Watch this video to see a comparison between the old and new Select Subject and some other features.

Select Object– This is now a tool in the tool’s pallet. It is different than the Select Subject tool. Adobe explains the difference this way:

The Object Selection tool is useful when you only need to select one of the objects or part of an object within an image that contains multiple objects. While the Select Subject command is designed to select all the main subjects in the image.

From Adobe Make Quick Selections

I was annoyed that it was often hard to find Select Subject when working in an image. I had to select some specific selection tool to get access to Select Subject. The first thing I find when I go looking for this ‘Object’ tool is that I don’t have it. So, off to find out why. Adobe explains how to find it here.

Continue reading Photoshop 2020 June Update & Tips

Photoshop 2020 Releasing

Today I got my update to Adobe’s Photoshop 2020 (v21.0). It has several very handy new and improved exiting features. I’ll let PiXimperfect’s guy explain them.

This is a handy video to bookmark as it has links into the video for the various features. These are the links you will find on the YouTube page.

  • 01:24 Object Selection Tool
  • 03:37 Much Better “Select Subject”
  • 05:18 Blazing Fast New Document
  • 05:32 Pixel Layer Properties
  • 08:15 Zoom To Layer Content
  • 09:10 The “New” New Layer
  • 09:15 Changes To Content-aware Fill
  • 10:59 New Text Layer Properties
  • 12:38 Animated Gif Support In File, Save As
  • 13:20 The Updated Lens Blur
  • 14:16 Covert Smart Object Back To Layers
  • 15:29 Import From Iphone Or Ipad
  • 15:39 The “~” Key For Easy Erasing
  • 16:39 The “~” Key For Brush Tip Rotation
  • 16:58 Close Others
  • 17:19 Changes To Free Transform
  • 19:37 Enhanced Transform Warp
  • 21:33 Changes & Additions To Presets
  • 24:07 Support For Cloud Documents
  • 25:49 The Fancy Crop Tool
  • 26:26 Additional New Features

Be warned there are ads in the video stream. A few too many for my taste, but I understand he wants to get paid for his effort and talent.

Adobe Premiere and After Effects Changes

The new release of Adobe’s various products change the way we work. I think it is a great improvement. I am still learning how to change my work flow. This video gives you an idea of the important changes.

I used the latest Premiere CC 2017.1 to create my CCUG video. My YouTube uploads are here.

I can make all the video in Premiere now, including opening titles where I usually use a still processed in Photoshop. I do have to save a still shot of the opening title to use on YouTube. YouTube never allows me to choose the frame I want to use. Their three choices always suck.


Adobe tempzxpsign…… Temporary Files

You may not have noticed your drive filling up with empty folders. They are out of the way in AppData. Adobe products are creating folders as a place to save temporary files, which get deleted. The programs just forget to delete the folders. It is a bug and it has been around for a few months.

See: tempzxpsign…… temporary files filling up TEMP drive

The more you use Adobe the more folders you have.

The basic story is once all the Adobe programs have been closed you can delete all the folders. You’ll find them in: C:\Users\[Windows_Login_ID]\AppData\Local\

Adobe 2017 CC Update

We are getting a big update. User interfaces change… :/ I haven’t played with the new apps yet. They are downloading.

I expect more videos. There are 8 of Adobe’s apps that are updating. The list in the image below.

2017 Apps Released Nov 2, 2016
2017 Apps Released Nov 2, 2016

Within Photoshop is a feature that allows you to search for tools, image layers, help, and stock images. For those of you using Firestorm it is like the search inside Preferences. So, this will be fun. I’m used to looking for effects in Premiere using search.

This version has emojis. I don’t know that I’ll ever use them but, they may be fun. They are in the video at about the 25:00 minute mark. They are NOT intuitive. So, watch the video.

You have options for how you update in your Adobe CC App. Have fun.

New Photoshop CC… ugh

Adobe updates their software often. Recently they updated Photoshop (15.5.0). I just got the previous version figured out… now things have moved around again.

Nalates - July 2016
Nalates – July 2016

This image required I clip me out of the picture and put in a shadow and background. The entire refine selection process has changed. I had to go find a tutorial. Here is the tutorial that got me started on the right foot.  Continue reading New Photoshop CC… ugh

Photoshop Updates

Those of us subscribing to the Adobe CC have received a set of updates. One of which is the latest version of Photoshop.

They have moved things around. So, some of the features I regularly use are not where I expect them to be. Annoying. But, once I get used to the changes, it will be better. Less clicks. And there is a new feature for masking and selection.

Photoshop Updates
Photoshop Updates