More WILD Sex?

A couple of weeks back there was a splash in the SL blogosphere about the Ruckus Let’s Smash Couch. I wrote about it like 4 weeks ago. See: New Sex in Second Life? The remarkable part is the animations.


When answering a question in the forum about who is making good animations, I mentioned Ruckus. (Demo area Location NSFW – URL OK) Some of the people checked out the Let’s Smash Couch. Seems most were blown away. It is impressive.

Now there is a Ruckus Let’s Smash Bed… (MP URL SFW) Caroline (URL NSFW) at Second Life Adventures says it is better than the couch. You’ll find the demo in the Ruckus demo area. Every time I’ve been there someone is trying out the bed. Continue reading

New Sex in Second Life?

Yeah… people still have sex in RL & SL… Which group is having the most sex is debatable. Everyone participates in RL while only a few participate in SL. So, number-wise RL wins. But, what part of a person’s RL time is devoted to sex? Versus what part of an avatar’s time in SL is devoted to sex?

Ruckus Store – Smash Couch – May 2019

I don’t have the answers. As best I can tell no one knows. I suspect some log into SL only for sex. Those people would push the percentage of time for SL people higher. I also know a number of people that never and/or rarely have sex in SL and they would lower the percentage. So, who knows?

I suppose our opinions are colored by whether we are getting some or not. Whether we are or aren’t we have our ideas of how it goes. But, in Second Life there are so many OLD animations that user over and over. Now there are new strokes for the folks. Continue reading

Second Life Posing

Those of us taking snapshots in Second Life™ run into the problem of getting the avatar in the position we want. I think I’m up on the posing tricks for Second Life. But obviously the poser I’ll talk about below shows I’m not totally up.
Playful by Bryce Sun @ Flickr

Bryce Sun made this image. I think it is just awesome. And in the description Bryce explained how the pose was done. Oh… there is a Fate Hand Poser HUD. I didn’t know… or forgot if I ever did. This HUD came out about the time Bento did, 2016. It is now in version 2.5 (L$695). The video I show here is made using version 1.0.

In a way this is a bit like the poser in the Black Dragon Viewer. The difference is the graphical interface. Black Dragon has a poser that is great fun. The problem is if you haven’t been animating in Second Life you don’t know which bone name does what. It isn’t hard to figure out by guessing from the names, but you still have to figure some of it out.

Continue reading

AvaStar 2.5 to Release 10/27

It has been in the works awhile. Now there is a planned official release date, October 27, 2018.

The announcement is here: AVASTAR 2.5 RELEASE DATE 27-OCTOBER-2018.

Magicae House

Magicae House

The listed highlights are;

  • Improved support for Male characters
  • Improved Collada export of characters with custom Shapes
  • Improved User interface
  • Rig Converter stability
  • New Weight Copy Panel
  • Complete rework of the Help pages (text only)
  • Many dozens of smaller fixes

Coming behind this update is going to be the Blender update with its heavily reworked User Interface. Ugh… I have no idea how this Blender change will affect AvaStar. I do know I will suddenly be looking for common tools again and relearning Blender. So, I suppose that means AvaStar too.

If you have purchased support, this is a free update. I have and I plan to update my plan when it expires.

Black Dragon Poser Get an Update

Black Dragon Poser – NiranV is changing the Poser feature. Again… still… making this version 3.1.8. I think by anyone’s standard it is getting better. In NiranV’s latest post mention is made of working with Nat Linden to make feature changes as they import the tool into the Linden viewer.

Black Dragon 3.1.8 Poser – Showing bone displacement capability

There are permission and usability issues. The Lab has to minimize how handy the feature will be for stealing poses and animations. Plus, noob users need to have a chance to understand how to use it. While it may seem obvious to you, just think back on some of the things you have helped the new to understand.

If you haven’t noticed, NiranV has a Discord Channel.

On Windows 10, you’ll get a warning message when you install the viewer. That is Microsoft being overly cautious with any software they don’t know.

Integrated Animation Overriders … A what?

Mesh Body Addicts posted about Vista Animations (VA) new Bento Head animations. The post content is actually within in a video (vlog), Vista Diana & Lia.

The explanation she gives of the existing onion-skin animations used before Bento is not wrong, but most of the techies will disagree with it. If you are not into the tech, it is good enough to get you by. Besides, Animesh and Bakes-On are coming and likely to change much of this anyway.

The word in the video is there is a Bento Full Body AO coming. As it is now I have an AO for my body, the stands, sits, walks, etc. I have another for my new mesh head. And another for my hands. I am assuming VA is combining body, hands, and head into one AO. Jump to time mark 18:00± to get an idea of what the coming AO will look like in operation. Continue reading

Second Life Content Creators’ Meeting 2018 w10

Getting video of these meetings is a PITA. Medhue (1:27 PM) and I (1:08 PM) both were late getting to the meeting. Medhue’s audio has reverb… which generally comes from room echo… the combination of the sound source (talker) and reflected sound from walls reaching the mic at slightly different times. There are no echoes or room reverb in Second Life™. So, the computer’s speaker output has to be fed back via an open mic or duel channels in the recording app. Neither appears to be the case for Medhue…

I got there a bit earlier. I recorded the meeting, so the source is on my computer. I can edit it and clean up the audio. So, this week I’ll use my video. It takes some time to clean up the video and audio. Plus, Thursday is a busy day for me, RL. So, mine comes out later, like Saturday or Sunday.

The first thing you are likely to notice in the video is Vir Linden’s voice is messed up. In Medhue’s video, Vir Linden’s voice is also messed up but in a different way. So, the problem is in the connections or our computers. I have yet to figure out what’s up with mine.

I’ve cleaned the audio up a bit. But, there is only so much repair work one can do.  Continue reading