Second Life – Content Creation UG 2017-08-10

Well, I did something wrong. The video did not record. I got an hour of audio and a single screen capture for the entire hour. Useless. It looked to be working when I started. But…

So, I’ll write an index for Medhue’s Live Stream.

Medhue doesn’t post process the video so there are spikes and drop outs in Audio. His microphone is messing up too. That was just audible in his stream. I didn’t hear the static in-world. But, it’s tolerable. Just keep your finger close to the volume control.

This week’s meeting was informative and we have some NEW news.


00:00-05:55 – You’ll see Medhue setting up the Live Stream and posting in groups that the meeting is starting. At one point, there were 41 people in the meeting and another 21 on the live stream. That is a big meeting for a User Group. We usually only see that many at a meeting when the pitchforks and protest signs come out.

06:00 – Meeting starts. Alexa Linden tells us that she has distributed instructions for how to build the Animesh Project Viewer. They are devising and writing up plans for testing Animesh. This viewer is changing to fast to release a version to the community. Plus, there are a couple of features Vir wants in before it goes to testers. Continue reading

Second Life – Content Creation – None

This week the Lindens are having their planning meeting. Several of the weekly User Group meetings have been canceled to allow Lindens to be at the planning meeting. The Content Creation UG meeting is one of the canceled meetings.

Summer Secrets

Summer Secrets

Next week (32 – Aug 10) there will be a meeting. The week after (33) and the one after that (34) there will be no Content Creation meetings because Vir Linden will be on vacation. So, there only will be meetings August 10th and 31st.

Second Life Content Creation UG Video Index 2017-07-27

Another CC UG Meeting. There are some interesting bits of new news. Check the Index to select parts of the video of interest to you or watch the whole thing.


0:00:41 – Meeting starts. Vir tells the SL version of the Bento Avatar is back online. For a time its home at Amazon Cloud was down. That has been fixed. There were still some link issues from the SL Wiki. I don’t know if those have been fixed. Continue reading

Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 2017 w27

The crowd at the Content Creation UG meeting is growing. I think that is mostly due to Medhue live-streaming the meetings.

These meetings are somewhat just small updates on the week-to-week progress the Lindens are making on Server-Side Baking and animated mesh objects, animesh. While there isn’t much new, we are learning more about animesh.

Vir Linden and crew are figuring out how to make animesh work. Group participants are thinking more about how they would like it to work. So, on both sides, the plan is getting more sophisticated. The meetings are interesting.

This week’s video runs about 1hr 8 minutes. I couldn’t hang out after the meeting. But the post-meeting can last an hour. It might go longer, but the Server Beta meeting starts and hour after, so several people leave to make that meeting. Continue reading

Second Life – Copybot Viewer Debate

In case there is ANYONE in Second Life™ that doesn’t know what Copybot Viewers are, they are viewers made from the open source viewers, Linden and third-party, that have been altered to ignore Permissions. A person can use them to download ANYTHING… ANYTHING in Second Life.

There are hot issues in SL that carry loads of emotional energy. The issue of content theft, copyboting, is one of them.

At the last Content Creation UG meeting the subject of content theft, what the Lab does about it, and what CAN be done about it came up. It was a surprisingly calm and somewhat intelligent conversation. Still, the resident thief really annoyed me. Listen/watch the video. (60+ minutes) There are time marks for the various topics in the index below (last page) if you want to find just the juicy parts.

This video is from the last few minutes of Content Creation UG meeting of June 27, 2017. It then contuse for another 45+ minutes after the meeting.

The subject of content theft came up when Brooke Barmy asked the question,

“What is being done about the increase in marketplace copybot accounts, the reasoning behind not banning on the first offense, the reasoning behind not IP banning and the reasoning behind not taking [confiscating] the money back to Linden Lab?  Continue reading

Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 2017 w26

I missed the first 10 minutes of the meeting as RL was intruding. There are Two interesting parts. Toward the end of the meeting a discussion of copybot issues starts. That section and an hour long post-meeting is in another video. When I get it uploaded, I’ll link to it from this article.

I’ve used bold text to highlight subjects in the outline summary of the meeting. You may remember, I use these videos to learn about video editing for RL work. Premiere, in general, or maybe just on my computer, is broken. So, I cannot currently use titles or text from within Premiere. So, this video is mostly about audio for me. In that area, because I used Firestorm (FS) I had to learn more about audio cleanup. Maybe if I knew more about FS, it would be less of a problem.

Medhue caught the entire hour-long meeting on video (HERE). My video picks up about 10 minutes in (1:10 PM SLT). Medhue skipped streaming the post-meeting. He was there for most of it. Inara has not posted her summary of the meeting. So, I don’t know if she’ll touch on it or dive in. I’ll dive in.

In the 10-minutes prior to my video starting, Vir Linden was following up on a question about whether animating attachment points is (will be) allowed and whether meshes can weight/rig to attachment points. The Linden viewer currently blocks animations and meshes that do. The servers, however, will allow it. So, for now things are a bit inconsistent. Continue reading

Second Life – Content Creation UG 2017 w/23

Getting this video out was a problem. Adobe Premiere started crashing and refusing to show video in the Project Editor panel. Plus, the Hippotropolis region was crashing during the meeting. That made for an interesting meeting and made more work putting the video together.

There were lots of audio challenges in this video. I tried to clean up several places. Cathy Foil’s microphone is over driving the system. Vir Linden apparently talks into a fixed position mic. He tends to move toward and away from it when talking. Anyway, I did what I could with it.

Meeting Summary

Vir Linden starts the meeting talking about viewers. The AssetsHTTP viewer is still in QA, but expected to update the RC in week 24.

Work is continuing on animated objects. Vir has the server and a pre-project viewer working so one can see animated objects. Other viewers crash. So, that has to be handled. Continue reading

Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 5/27/2017

This is an interesting meeting. Vir Linden announces some of the projects the Lindens are going to be working on. I have some pre-meeting coverage and then some post-meeting footage. The video is long. I did not time compress this video. There is quite a bit going on in chat. At normal speed, it is hard enough to keep up with. So, I decided not to speed it up.

I also provided a topic index/summary of the video. You’ll find time marks in the text. [Maybe a few minutes before the video finishes uploading and becomes visible here.]

Animating Breasts – You can animate breasts. But, the animations suffer from the buoyancy and cleavage appearance sliders getting messed up.

Medhue may have a workaround. He thinks we might be able to animate the attachment points to animate breasts without breaking the sliders. Continue reading