Well, I did something wrong. The video did not record. I got an hour of audio and a single screen capture for the entire hour. Useless. It looked to be working when I started. But…
So, I’ll write an index for Medhue’s Live Stream.
Medhue doesn’t post process the video so there are spikes and drop outs in Audio. His microphone is messing up too. That was just audible in his stream. I didn’t hear the static in-world. But, it’s tolerable. Just keep your finger close to the volume control.
This week’s meeting was informative and we have some NEW news.
00:00-05:55 – You’ll see Medhue setting up the Live Stream and posting in groups that the meeting is starting. At one point, there were 41 people in the meeting and another 21 on the live stream. That is a big meeting for a User Group. We usually only see that many at a meeting when the pitchforks and protest signs come out.
06:00 – Meeting starts. Alexa Linden tells us that she has distributed instructions for how to build the Animesh Project Viewer. They are devising and writing up plans for testing Animesh. This viewer is changing to fast to release a version to the community. Plus, there are a couple of features Vir wants in before it goes to testers. Continue reading