Second Life: Sessions’ Vagina for Slink

Back in December of 2019… that long ago? …I wrote a review of available women’s genitals. See Second Life Vaginas: The V. That is the vagina for the Maitreya body. Now there is a version for Slink Original and Hourglass and Inithium Kupra (with a 50% off Kupra version until Feb 14, 2021 – see details at the in-world store. – MAP URL). The marketplace URL is here (URL – NSFW).

A working girl…

I got the Slink Hourglass demo. It comes with Slink Classic and Redux versions. Both in the same package. If you don’t know Slink, the Redux version is the version highly optimized for BOM. Slink Classic is their older more complex applier style body. Whichever you prefer, they have something for you.

The Original and Hourglass versions of The V are different and NOT interchangeable. So, for Slink users that frequently swap between Slink bodies like I do, they will need to make a decision. Hourglass or Original or buy both? They don’t have a package deal for buying the two.

More pages… links below.

Continue reading Second Life: Sessions’ Vagina for Slink

Birth’s Male Genitals – January 2020 – Review

If you are female and thinking of a sex change to male then you’ll want to read on. Or if you are male thinking of becoming a MAN… this will be interesting.

Need to Escape

I think the most popular ‘penis’ in Second Life™ is the Aeros brand. It is also an older brand and model. Some complain that it is too complicated or that the HUD is too complicated. But I think most SL users of reasonable intelligence can figure it out.

However, gaining in popularity is Birth’s entry into the male genitals market. The cocks are getting talked up… oh… no… that double entendre was not intended. They are being well spoken of in the SL Forum. There. Better.

So, I decided to take a look at them. There are 3 models. Zeus, Smooth, and Leviathon [sic]. The names have nothing to do with size. As best I can tell the names denote the difference in curvature. Zeus curves up, Smooth is straight, and Leviathon curves down. But the curve is subtle. So, that may not be the intended difference.

Continue reading Birth’s Male Genitals – January 2020 – Review

The SL Vagina Summary


I was looking for a replacement for my 14MB Xcite! genitals when I started this series. The V would have been my choice if I wore Maitreya. Before I saw The V, I would have bought the Vajayjay, also Maitreya only. I am noticing a trend…

# 206 Halo
# 206 Halo

I was disappointed there was no demo for VAW. But I bit the bullet and bought it. I am not very happy with it. I think it is overpriced and the promo material is lacking in giving an accurate explanation of what one gets. But, 1.4MB of script weight is WAY better than Xcite!’s 14MB of script load. So, for now, I tend to wear it.

I am still undecided whether I can color VAW’s to suit my pickiness. I am not doing so well. I’ll hope to see VAW come out with a BoM version.

I can hope Anji will make a version of The V for Slink Redux. I also hope the ability to tint the Labia Majora and outer skin is added.

Click Vagina to see all the reviews in the vagina series.

What have I missed?

I suspect I have missed some products. If you know of one I didn’t cover, let me know in comments. I may check it out.

Also, which vagina brand do you like and why?

Second Life Vaginas: The V

by [Session] L$1,190 — $3,200* – Mesh, rigged – Maitreya only – Demos available.  !BOM!


This is the first vagina I have seen advertised as BoM ready. I think that is sort of misleading in this case. The HUD suggests that reality too. The Labia Majora is excluded as it should be colored by BOM. At first, I couldn’t get that to work with the demo. I thought I was probably missing something as these are sold as different skin tones and promoted as BOM… (WTH?) How is that?

✨ Hunt Dolls ✨
✨ Hunt Dolls ✨

Product Image: NSFW

This vagina is interesting enough I contacted the designer and provided my first draft of the review. I got feedback and now think I understand why this model is as it is.

BOM is going to add a complication for those designing vaginas. The UV Map in the crotch of the Classic avatar and most mesh avatars leaves a lot to be desired. Especially when a woman spreads her legs. Angi Manners (anj4) the designer of Session products decided to solve that problem by not using third-party skin on the vagina. No BoM. Doing so makes for just too few pixels in the area. Instead, she chose to use a custom Hi-Rez 1024×1024 texture and materials with a custom UV Map. Otherwise, this part of the avatar would be very low-rez… basically fuzzy and not in a good way. Continue reading Second Life Vaginas: The V

Second Life Vagina: Xcite! X4 Female Starter

Pack by Xcite! L$1500 – Mesh, unrigged – All bodies. No active customer support or updates in the last 12+ months. They still have a fireworks show several times a day.


As I wrote earlier this WAS the Cadillac of genitals up to about late 2016. Something happened about 2013 and they dropped the ball. From there it has gone downhill.

# ♥1366
# ♥1366

Product Image: NSFW

In 2013-16 there were a fair number of people that knew how to RP with Xcite! So, getting the addon lips, nipples, butt, thighs, feet, etc. was worthwhile. Younger residents don’t seem to have a clue.

These days almost no one knows how to use Xcite! For that matter, few know how to do much of anything or even know to know to click to find out what they can do. Sad. So, with mesh bodies that provide 3D nipples and other features, which formerly came only as genital accessories the use of separate accessories is not as important. Most people don’t even understand RLV. So… wearing Xcite! for any more than visual reasons… doesn’t work out.

Scripts for vagina (6,784KB), nips (4,608KB), ears (384KB), butt (192KB), lips (192KB), and thighs (416KB) with HUD (1,920KB) and DropBox (192KB) = 14,688KB …and that 14MB is why people avoid Xcite! these days.

ACI adds 26k

Click Vagina to see all reviews in the series.

Second Life Vaginas

There isn’t much to say about these brands of vaginas. So, I put them together.

~Valkyrian~ Ladies Treasures “Mesh Vagina” Lips by ☠️ DOMINUS ☠️ L$200 –


As best I can tell these are just vagina lips. No scripts.



::BW:: Pussy Xtra Premium by ::Body Works:: L$399 – Mesh, unrigged – Many bodies – No Demos – 2015?


This is another that has no demo that I find.

This looks to be a clit only add-on with a lot of features.


Janzoe Classic Vagina ultra-realistic pussy by janzoe designs L$295 – Unknown – All bodies – No Demos


And yet another with no demo. While advertised as ‘the most realistic’ I think this is from the days of prim genitals

Click Vagina to see all reviews in the series.

Second Life: VAW XTC Vagina Rigged

by Virtual Artworks L$1200 – Mesh, Bento rigged and unrigged – Demo? No!

Nipples, lips, and butt are extra.


I couldn’t find a demo. Contacting the designer, I find he is afraid someone will still his textures from a demo. Duh! So, no demos. Anyone that wants them can steal the mesh and textures by being close to anyone wearing a VAW vagina. From my viewpoint that is losing a lot of sales for no good reason.


Product Image: NSFW

The vagina is boxed. Open the box and you get a folder with all the parts and some scripts. Of course, some promo material and a manual are included.

The rigged Bento version is available in only 4 sizes (Sept 2019), Freya, Isis, Hourglass, and Maitreya. The Hourglass works OK, not perfect, on Physique-Original. But none of that information is in the promo material. Continue reading Second Life: VAW XTC Vagina Rigged

SW Animated Bento Vagina New RIG Version 2.09

by Stylish Way Production L$1499 – Mesh, Rigged, Bento – Maitreya & Slink HG. Tested with Slink HG.


Unpacking this is a pain. These are boxes within boxes. Until you get where you see a HUD in the folder, you are still opening boxes. Annoyingly tedious and confusing. Persist.

Credits 👇 NEW POST ♥
Credits 👇 NEW POST ♥ – Nal: Can’t find the blog…

Product Image: NSFW

You need Omega to apply your skin. This Omega relay is L$149. It is also an installer, if I read right. I like using my tan lines skin so the relay would be a must for me.

There are six included skin colors and six pubic hairstyles built-in. The Adjustments tab will let you tint the included colors and I suppose your applied skin. Continue reading SW Animated Bento Vagina New RIG Version 2.09