This morning, Tuesday, a number of Singularity users are suffering Bake Fail, their avatar remaining a cloud. Word is a fix was put in the Singularity test cue, 7667 is the version number people are referring to. But then it depends on which 7667 you got as to whether it works. There are two and as far as I know, the only way to tell them apart is one works and the other doesn’t.

I’ll send flowers into the sky to find you
From today’s Server-Scripting UG meeting I learned, [12:15] Torric Rodas: they need the 7667 “redo” version from Lirus’ repository if they’re having issues:
Later from Liru Færs (inusaito.kanya):
[2019/07/02 12:31] Liru Færs (inusaito.kanya): So the singu thing is two different issues people are mixing up, actually. The first, Torric mentioned already, we put out a test build yesterday or so and its UDP was broken somewhat, I pushed out a fixed build without version bump shortly thereafter.
[2019/07/02 12:32] Liru Færs (inusaito.kanya): The other issue is the worse one, probably what Nal brought up. UDP is broken on Alpha and Release singu, on the RC regions, I’m fairly sure. which is good, that means your changes to turn it off are now working. Unfortunately, we’re amidst a lull in developer availability, and so Linux libraries haven’t been rebuilt yet, so our release is latent.
[2019/07/02 12:34] Nal (nalates.urriah): Thank you Liru. Is there any way for Sing users to keep up with what is happening?
[2019/07/02 12:34] Liru Færs (inusaito.kanya): what I’m thinking to do, is to fix all the release blockers (I have nearly all done), and update the Windows release them, when everything is sorted, we will do a more complete release along with release notes.
[2019/07/02 12:34] Liru Færs (inusaito.kanya): aside from watching my repository, not yet.
Apparently, the server update last week is when Singularity users started seeing alpha render problems and bake fail.
Also, inventory, animations, and other assets aren’t working as expected now. Those ‘not in database’ errors are popping all over. Continue reading →