Figuring out how to use the new shape keys isn’t too hard. Gaia Clary has provided free help, which I link to below. Figuring out what you will do with them is another challenge. It looks to me like using shape keys will be most useful to those making clothes for Standard Sizes and custom sizes.
I don’t see the shape keys being particularly helpful for those making fitted mesh clothes. But, I’m not making clothes right now, so I haven’t worked with the shape keys.
The first in a series of video is here: AvaStar Shape Keys Demo. The collection of her videos is here: Machinimatrix AvaStar Videos.
There are 3 more videos showing how shape keys can be used.
- Shapekeys and Such: Shaping a dress (2/4)
- Shapekeys and Such: Automation (3/4)
- Shapekeys and Such: Generation (4/4)
You are going to have to be familiar with AvaStar and the general workflow to understand how this all fits together. These videos alone will not get you there.
I’ll remind you and Gaia reminds you in the videos that these shape keys are for use only in Blender. They do not import to Second Life. If you are hoping to create content for the Next Generation Platform (NGP – SL2), this shape stuff will likely come in handy. We don’t know that, but shape keys are very much part of 3D modeling and animation in other games. So, I think there is a good chance it will be a part of NGP.
And another reminder: once you have a mesh modified to a shape you want to export for SL, you need to save the file then remove the shape keys so you can export that shape. You can use the saved file, which has the shape keys, to continue working on the model. – See comments – Not necessary.
Refering to your last section:
Actually Avastar always silently applies the Shape keys when it exports a mesh to Collada. This has always been done in the background. We never mentioned this before because we had no support for shape keys anyways. But you are right, now that we have shape key support, i will update the documentation to tell that there is nothing to do 🙂
That is very handy. Thanks for saying something.