Coming Updates to Second Life 2020

We haven’t been getting much news from the Lindens on what’s up with SL. That is part of the reason I semi-retired from blogging. Now I just post when I have something interesting… interesting to me at least.

The recent Lab Gab (Episode #14 – Feb 21) video gives one of the better updates I heard in some time.

Lab Gab #14 Feb 2020

In it Ebbe and Grumpty are telling us about what is coming. The TL:DR… well… R=Watch in this case. Basically, 2020 and probably into 2021 the Lab will be focused on UPLIFT, the move to the cloud. Parts have already moved and those moves have given Lindens great expectations for how well SL is going to run in the cloud.

The feature add-ons we know about are being completed, EEP, name changes, new Premium Pluuuus… or however Grumpty pronounces it, and some other things will soon be completed. Soon is a couple of months for some things.

Continue reading Coming Updates to Second Life 2020

2020 Sansar Update

I’ve not spent much time following Sansar. I was disappointed to hear Linden Lab was laying off staff on the Sansar side. I wasn’t surprised. The VR hype is dying down and reality is setting in. This hype-to-real cycle seems to have moved slowly compared to other new tech cycles. Things are quiet.

Ebbe, Linden Lab CEO, is in this video talking about Sansar, as are other Lindens.

Jo Yardley posted about this video on her blog, which is where I found out about it.

This documentary does a good job of telling us where Sansar is. Some of the imagery from within Sansar is awesome. The chained economy is something we need in Second Life.

It looks like VR is not going to happen as the hype was claiming. It seems business adoption is driving VR, not gaming. Do you realize we are 10 years down the road from the Rift Kickstarter?

Continue reading 2020 Sansar Update

Second Life News 2018 w45 Election Day

Busy with RL last week and looks like this week. The Adobe updates that screwed things are not helping.

Costa Bella 4: Fountain
Costa Bella 4: Fountain


The main channel is getting an update to version # This version is apparently the same as last week’s version, but with some fixes to the logging. That version was all Internal Changes.

Blue Steel and Le Tigre will update to version #, listed as about Land impact/streaming costs

Magnum gets version #, with Logging improvements and land impact/streaming costs

From the Server-Scripting UG I hear the Snack Channel will get an EEP update. Continue reading Second Life News 2018 w45 Election Day

Second Life News 2018 w43


A roll was made to the main channel Tuesday, # All internal fixes.

The three RC channels and Snack also got updates, # for Blue Steel. Le Tigre and Magnum were not ‘determined’ as to which version they would get. Snack is getting an EEP update, (?).

vers….  (Cloudbreak)

There was some mix up in which version of EEP was going out. Some little glitch in operations gave Rider Linden an opportunity to get a newer version of EEP on Snack. So, the 520844 version is probably not the version rolling out. That the region Denby (URL) is running Second Life RC Snack, is a good indication 520891 is the version actually rolled. With the EEP viewer you can see EEP on the main grid.

The fun stuff is still over on the Preview Grid, ADITI. Continue reading Second Life News 2018 w43

Second Life News 2018 w42


Mazidox Linden says there is no roll to the main channel this week. The channel will stay on version #

All three RC channels will update Wednesday to version # The changes are listed as Internal Changes.



The main viewer is still version, released in week #40.

Second Life Animesh Viewer version – Updated in week #41.

Second Life Bugsplat Viewer version – Last updated in week #37.

Second Life EAM Viewer version – Moved from Project Viewer to RC in week #40.

Second Life Love Me Render Viewer version – Released in week #34.

Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – The previous version released in week #34. This is new this week.

Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – Last updated in week #10. The back-burner version…

Second Life Project Bakes On Mesh Viewer version – Last update week #39.

Second Life Project EEP Viewer version – First appeared in SL RC Viewers week #41.

Continue reading Second Life News 2018 w42

Sansar Did What?

They published the general development roadmap (sort of): Coming Soon to Sansar – Upcoming Releases.

A development roadmap lists those things that the developers actually plan to develop. The ‘map’ part denotes the order in which they will develop them. The Lindens did include that information. But, there isn’t much.

Sansar 2017 – Time & Space

Development Road Maps generally extend beyond the next two updates. I don’t really see that in this ‘map’. So, it is a short highway. One doesn’t go far before hitting the ‘under construction’ signs and finds the road closed.

The ‘Discovery’ update will include;

  • A searchable Atlas
  • Improved desktop-mode features, like being able to pick things up

Following Discovery will be a ‘Friends’ update, sounds like a cross between SL’s What’s Hot, Events, better Help, and people search.

Then they say… ‘more to come’. Well Duh!  Continue reading Sansar Did What?

Sansar Creation – General How To Overview

You’ve visited Sansar and gone Atlas Hopping with Drax. So, you know how to walk and get around. What about the building tools?

Start with Managing your Scenes and Experiences to understand how your ‘region’ will be made public and allow others in. In Second Life™ we change settings to keep people out. In Sansar, we change settings to let people in. I suppose that difference has profound philosophical design implications…

Sansar has a My Experiences App. At first, I thought this was something else to download. It isn’t. The app is built into the main viewer, which consists of an update app, a login app, and the viewer app that chain together to look like a single app.

Sansar Atlas Page 2017

If you haven’t found them yet, the release notes appear here: Sansar >  Sansar News and Announcements >  Release Notes. There is a wealth of reference material in the July notes.

There are also tutorials or an online manual here: Creating in Sansar. I’ll point out people are asking me how to build in Sansar. I am curious too. Google was not helping. The pages I list here are not coming up in Google, which explains a lot of the problem. Oddly they pop up first in Bing and Yahoo searches. For those tired of censored search content and user tracking, there is always, where Sansar searches also work. Continue reading Sansar Creation – General How To Overview