Second Life News 2019 w14

There was lots of detailed information in the third-party dev UG meeting last week. We got a bunch of information on what is happening with a couple of problems. Currently, disconnects and detachments are front lines.


From ‘How Does Your Avatar Look Today?’ 4/2019 – Click

The main channel rolls to # This is the OS upgrade. It includes the EEP support.

The RC channels Blue Steel, Le Tigre, and Magnum will be the first version with UDP asset fetching disabled or removed. See the Tools & Tech section of the SL blog Obsolete Asset Fetch Disabled for more details.

The UDP change will mean older viewers using UDP asset fetching will stop working correctly. Avatars are likely to not render or render as Ruth/Roth. Sooner or later you will have to update…


The RC channels will have a change that is hoped will help with the disconnect problems people are experiencing, which seems to have started in December or January. Some think EEP is causing the disconnects. EEP is coincidental with the disconnects. The current analysis of the problem suggests it is in the TCP communication between the viewers and servers.

In the March 29, Third-Party Dev UG meeting Oz talks about the problem and why it took the Lindens so long to notice. Video Basically, the problem is not showing in the performance stats the Lindens watch.

The disconnects seem to fall into groups, those occurring during a teleport and those that are periodic (disconnect every so many minutes). People trying to chase the problem down are having problems reproducing the disconnect. They have the problem rated as #1 & #2 and have lots of people on it full time plus a QA team of remote users, meaning far from the Lab distance-wise.

There are rumors about different things one can do to stop the disconnects, change the WL/EEP sky, cancel a TP mid-teleport (cancel, open World Map – find destination region – wait for it to come up and you pop in), and others. For others the key is location, Blake Sea is a problem and Heterocera is not a problem. Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w14

Linden Lab Copyright Goes Nuts

Strawberry Singh is dealing with the Lab banging on her for a copyright violation at YouTube. See: Trademark Complaint Received from Linden Lab.

Strawberry writes, “I didn’t think that would be an issue as it says on their Trademark Guidelines page that journalists and media outlets have special permission to use it in blog entries etc…


I’ve read that. I understand the rules to be pretty clear the problems are about impersonating Linden Lab or Second Life, doing something to make the people seeing the logo think you are associated with the Lab, a product is made by the Lab, you are some part of the Lab or represent it in some way.

Strawberry is not doing that. While I can suppose someone might make that mistake watching Strawberry’s video tutorial, I do NOT think it a reasonable conclusion.

So, I understand the information the same as Strawberry does. So, what’s up? We don’t know. Of course, YouTube isn’t waiting around. The Lab complained and YouTube loaded the 12ga and said move it. With almost no time and the Lab doing the old single lame answer and then stonewall, Strawberry had had no choice but to take down her 2 SL intro videos.

If the Lab provides no discussion or clarification, this will through a chill on people making SL tutorials that show how to join or use SL. F______g dumb. People use logos and trademarks in all sorts of stuff. Admittedly with permission, which the LL Trademark Guidelines give and the context in which they can be used. Companies like CokaCola allow broad use of their trademark on just about anything but a competing can of soda. They understand the importance of having something promoted.

I suggest you jump over to twitter and pop off a tweet to @ebbealtberg. Give him a link to Strawberry’s blog and ask, what’s up with that?

May be use the hashtag #berryCopyright.

…or maybe this is some devious plot by Drax…  naw, he likes Berry. No matter how many more viewers she gets than he does.

Second Life: HUD Bug

Enchanted lady bug
Enchanted lady bug

There is a bug in the new Firestorm 4.7.9 and Second Life 4.0.7. The bug is not much of a problem unless you play in combat games. Whirly Fizzle explains it:

Yep, it’s a bug on Firestorm 4.7.9.

I saw you already found the JIRA issue, but here it is for anyone else having the same problem:

Workarounds for this one:

If you are wearing an attachment using llTakeControls, take it off.  That’s the trigger for the bug.

It may not be viable to remove all attachments using llTakeControls though. This bug is mostly annoying combat people who use mouselook a lot & many weapons use llTakeControls in such a way that they will trigger this bug when they exit mouselook.

Switching to the LL viewer is a no go – although it doesn’t have this specific bug, it has a related bug which breaks being able to shoot pretty much all weapons in mouselook when an attachment is worn using llTakeControls or the weapon itself uses llTakeControls – BUG-11602

Best bet honestly is to roll back to 4.7.7 if this bug is annoying you too much. (Reference)

If you are playing a combat game, add your name and information to the JIRA’s.

Second Life: Viewer Problems

The Quick Graphics Viewer is out. Some people are having some problems with the viewer. A semi-clean install seems to fix the problem. So, what’s semi-clean install?

Hell Is Other People
Hell Is Other People
  • Restart your computer. Do NOT start the viewer.
  • Download the viewer from Second Life Download.
  • Find your install folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\SecondLifeViewer (Windows)
  • Delete it. This deletion will not erase your settings, cache, inventory cache, or chat logs.
  • Install the SL Viewer using the file you downloaded. The installer will say you already have it installed and ask if you want to install anyways. Yes.
  • Try it.

Continue reading Second Life: Viewer Problems

The Weekend’s Problems

This weekend I was learning how hard it can be to recover a Windows 10 system when the user has no idea what their password is… make your recovery disks, please. That saved me from dealing with Second Life’s problems this past weekend.

For a good description of what happened see Danial Voyager’s blog: A difficult weekend for Second Life. Or read the Lab’s post: Why Things Were Less Than Optimal This Past Weekend.

Second Life: Updating Friends List Fails

This problem is/was happening pretty often. There is no user side fix. It requires a support ticket. The details follow. The error message is:

Login failed. Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong. Please check to see if there is a known problem with the service. If you continue to experience problems please check your network and firewall setup.

This error started appearing about last Tuesday, 12/19.  Continue reading Second Life: Updating Friends List Fails

Second Life: Business & Drama

Second Life™ is so much like real life. All the same problems, challenges, and drama present in RL are seen in SL too. Now we have the Maitreya Monopoly… First the drama story then the tech that makes this all so silly.

One Reason
One Reason

It seems blogger Sophee Mojo is unhappy with Maitreya or more accurately Onyx LeShelle the creator of Maitreya. The unhappiness has its root in the limited selection of clothes currently available for the Maitreya Mesh body or more accurately the limited set of designers. Sophee points to the developer’s kit for Maitreya that lacks ‘weighting’ information as a deliberate move on Maitreya’s part to control the clothes market. So, the unhappiness is expressed as complaints and accusations. Continue reading Second Life: Business & Drama

Second Life’s Mesh Mess

Kat Feldragonne is a mesh fan. But recently had a problem with mesh render time at an event. It apparently was frustrating enough Kat wrote about the experience: Mesh Mess – A Lesson in Frustration. If you read it, I suspect you will know exactly what Kat is writing about. I’ve experienced the problem. I suspect most of us have.

Slow Render Problems
Slow Render Problems

There are places and times when it seems to take forever for things to render. Avatars are missing parts or clothes are gray and stuck on sideways or at some odd direction. Nude avatars render in all their glory and only later do the clothes render. Of course the nude person has no idea their clothes have yet to render for those around them. The clothes always render quickly for the one wearing them. Continue reading Second Life’s Mesh Mess