Second Life News w/3rd Party Dev Meeting 2019 w03 & 4


Last Friday was the Third-Party Dev UG meeting. I’ve folded the information in with my regular update. You can watch the video of the voice meeting here, it is about a 36-minute video…

The main viewer remains version This is the Animesh release viewer, last updated 2018 week #50.

Second Life Bugsplat Viewer version – This is a NEW update. The previous version cam in week #50.

Second Life EAM Viewer version – Last updated 2018 week #51. From Friday’s meeting I thought this version would update. Maybe later this week.

Second Life Love Me Render Viewer version – This is NEW.  The previous update was in week #50. There is some problem with vertical lines on region crossing and some bug Oz couldn’t explain as it needs more information. Whatever, these are holding up the viewer as they look for a fix.

Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – Last updated in 2018 week #10.

Second Life Project Bakes On Mesh Viewer version – Last updated in week #50. I was expecting an update on this one too.

Second Life Project EEP Viewer version – This is NEW. The previous update was in week #50

Oz Linden tells us there is a maintenance RC hiding in the wings…

The Lab has started its move to Visual Studio 2017… He thinks it shouldn’t take long. The Lab is planning to stay more current with VS versions. For users this means the viewers will be more in tune with Windows 10. I think that is a good thing…

The Lab on XCode-10.13 for Mac builds. That should update soon. Most of the Lab uses Mohave.

Soon the simulators will stop talking UDP asset fetching. A server RC will be out in a couple of weeks and the grid wide release will follow a week or two after… provided things go as hoped.

Old viewers dependent on UDP delivered assets will stop getting assets… Everything in SL is an asset. So…

Several think the big impact will be on those using Singularity as their viewer.

Linux viewers are not going to have voice. Vivox no longer makes a Linux plugin. The Lab’s Linux stuff only works with the old Vivox api’s, which Vivox no longer supports. So, some third-party would have to come up with some connection to the new api’s..

To get the word on Linden Lunix support check the video starting about the 13-minute mark.

Firestorm is planning a release by the end of January. However, various issues about resolving objects slowly rendering has been slowing release. There are also complaints of mesh parts not snapping into place and their textures never fully resolving.

I have a swimsuit I like that I have a VERY hard time to get to fully render. I haven’t been able to decide if it is me, my connection, cache issue, viewer, or the swimsuit. Maybe more viewer than I thought.

The Firestorm peeps think there is some relation to Malwarebytes in Win7 and 10, but it is NOT a consistent problem. Some have it, some don’t. Some have mesh-snap problems and others have texture resolve fails and no snap problem. Others only the snap problem.

There is a problem some textures never fully resolving. That isn’t just a Firestorm problem. These that get bitten by it generally have to clear cache and relog… That hasn’t helped my swimsuit problem.

Other News

Second Life Newser provides an update of EVENTS coming up in Second Life. See Events This Week at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, and Furry Fashion Clubs.

Thinking about SL Events, I’ll point out that provides a list of events that updates almost every day.

There are a number of places in Second Life where you can check for events. Most event designers/planners provide a list of the events they plan. Dark Passions Events is one. They have a group you can join and a subscriber in their office.  Cute office and parcel in Spectacle on Heterocera. Next door is the Gothic Garage Sale running January 18 to February 3, which has lots of almost clothes… No worry. Most SL peeps have the body to wear them. Stuff is like 50% off. Spyralle is there with gloriously colored stuff at 65 to 75% off. The event includes a hunt. Of course they have a website and a Dark Passions Facebook page.

Amazon River – Today I see they are announcing they are upgrading animals in the river-jungle to animesh. The SL default viewer and Firestorm Beta, as well as several other third-party viewers, can render animesh. The majority of new viewers work with animesh. So, it may be time to update your viewer.

I’m looking forward to seeing the new animals.

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