Second Life News Week #33 Late

General News

Busy week for me in RL. I’m behind. MIssed the Topless Cruise. We do have interesting news.

We had the first Content Creators’ meeting in a couple of weeks. Vir Linden gave us a little information on what came up in the Linden Summit Meeting held in Massecuites a couple of weeks ago.

orinoco valley

orinoco valley

The ARCTan project is being set at a priority such that we will likely see work resuming on it this quarter.

EEP and BoM are hopefully to soon release. Vir is on BoM now. There are a few bugs blocking the release of each. EEP has some performance issues and problems with various graphics cards. BoM has good overall performance. But shadows and alphas still have some render problems.

Also, there should be a new Animesh Project Viewer out soon. This will have the Phase II stuff, animesh customization. There will be LSL stuff to play with.

Dirt Sim 421 is the server-side of the viewer on ADITI that works with this coming Animesh Viewer. Continue reading

Second Life Project Updates 2019 w29

At the Content Creators’ User Group this week we got a good update on what is going on. Most of the news is in the first 15 minutes.

The opening still-image was taken in the FOCUS Photography class. This is a series of classes presented at least once a month. The format gets away from ‘click here…’ training and into what makes a good picture. More the mental side of photography.

In the video, BoM is described as releasing VERY SOON. It may release with some minor issues. The project is past its expected release date. It has proven more difficult than the Lindens expected. I think most of the change in expectation is feature creep coming from residents explaining what they need and want for it to be more useful.

I expect to see its release in August… maybe July…  If you are a content creator, you should be working with BoM now. File any bug reports or feature requests ASAP.

EEP is tough to predict. Any changes to the graphics render process is complex and runs into problems. So, I am not surprised it too is running behind its expected delivery date.

Animesh-II is soon to have its own Project Viewer. This phase will likely add a way to apply shapes to animesh. But I can’t be certain. It is discussed in the video.

Second Life Animesh Baby Review

Most days I scan through the Second Life™ blogosphere to see what is going on. I’m generally interested in the tech stuff and what people are doing along with how they do it in Second Life. I come across things I find interesting in the scan. That stuff ends up in my weekly news, out on Tuesdays, or in a ‘bits’ post or article like this.

SL Families

This ‘families’ stuff seems to be a thing in SL. The Lab published Start Your Own Virtual Family in Second Life Monday, May 13, 2019. From that article, we see a newer feature of SL, animesh, is in use to make babies. Zooby, Suki BabiesK-Mae and Funsies are the popular brands of animesh babies.

But why is caring for a pixel baby a thing? There is no single answer other than perhaps it is some natural aspect of humans that exhibits in certain scenarios. How you attribute that aspect and its nature depends on your philosophy. The secularist/atheistic and spiritual/religious philosophies take people down different thought trails to various conclusions. We know as a fact this behavior is present and observable. The how’s and why’s are a speculative opinion.

Where there is a need there is someone to fill it, at least in a free market. With the new tech, animesh, people can make something more like what people want. So, we now have babies that behave in ways not possible before. Much more realistic and entertaining. The video shows how interactive the animesh babies are. Continue reading

Second Life Content Creation UG #08

Interesting meeting.

Simon Linden is busy investigating the problems causing a disruption in service last Saturday. So, no new news on Animash. We do have news on EEP.

CCUG Meeting

All the news is in the first few minutes. The rest is discussion.

You may notice the difference in panning between this video and the previous video. I’m not totally sure it is just this version of Firestorm. For now I suspect the viewer update is the reason for the improvement.

Content Creators’ UG Meeting 2018 w50

Interesting news came out of the CCUG meeting today. There is word on Firestorm’s release.

Here is the video of the meeting. I missed the first couple of minutes.

Word on Firestorm is at the start of the video. Beq Janus gave us an update in chat on where Firestorm is. Their Beta testing has moved to the larger group of Firestorm testers named the Preview Group. Next, it will go to public Beta before Christmas and the final release is expected for early January 2019.

In another article I pointed you toward Beq’s article on the changes to the Mesh Uploader in this next release of Firestorm. Continue reading

Second Life and Mesh Body Lag

Revised 1/3/2019 – Hamlet has an interesting article Well-Optimized Alternatives To Resource-Heavy Mesh Bodies For SL touching on the contentious debate going in Second Life as to how much lag mesh bodies are causing. The high polygon count in mesh bodies is the suggested cause of the lag.

Tachinni - Bonnie Dress - @ACCESS Exclusive

Tachinni – Bonnie Dress – @ACCESS Exclusive

We don’t have an obvious resolution to the argument. Nothing the non-techies can grasp. The techies stay out of the argument having learned one cannot argue with the ignorant as it is all opinion for the uneducated.

Recent technology changes have complicated the information on polygon counts and how they may affect your viewer’s performance. One complication is the shift from video card manufacturers bragging about polygons-per-second rendered to frames-per-second and now giga-rays-per-second… Part of the reason for changing metrics is the marketing hype card makers introduce to sell more cards.

Continue reading

Second Life: Content Creation 2018-11/29

I’ve had problems with Adobe’s Premiere Pro 2019, as have a bunch of other people. As I use that software to edit these videos, I haven’t been posting. That and RL time availability.

The CCUG meetings have been mostly about Animesh. However, they have been covering the status of various projects in Second Life. In this video, we get information on Animesh, Bakes On Mesh, and EEP.

Oz Linden opens with the status of BoM. Using the Project Viewer, you can test BoM everywhere in SL. The feature is provided by a backend service, formerly known as Server-Side Baking (a 2012 thing). The service bakes the appearance of a classic avatar into three composite textures combining skin, tats, underwear, and clothes. This service has now been updated to handle classic and mesh avatars and we call it BoM to distinguish it from SSB.

The Lindens seem a bit nervous about how well the service is working. From their side of things all looks well. However, users have ways of breaking and overloading things in ways the Lindens did not anticipate. So, they are hoping users will use the BoM Project Viewer (alternate Viewers) to test the service. Continue reading