Those of us taking snapshots in Second Life™ run into the problem of getting the avatar in the position we want. I think I’m up on the posing tricks for Second Life. But obviously the poser I’ll talk about below shows I’m not totally up.
Bryce Sun made this image. I think it is just awesome. And in the description Bryce explained how the pose was done. Oh… there is a Fate Hand Poser HUD. I didn’t know… or forgot if I ever did. This HUD came out about the time Bento did, 2016. It is now in version 2.5 (L$695). The video I show here is made using version 1.0.
In a way this is a bit like the poser in the Black Dragon Viewer. The difference is the graphical interface. Black Dragon has a poser that is great fun. The problem is if you haven’t been animating in Second Life you don’t know which bone name does what. It isn’t hard to figure out by guessing from the names, but you still have to figure some of it out.
There are a number of Bento Hand animation HUDs. None are like the Fate poser. Most are using simple fixed poses. Fate allows one to move a single finger at will… part of a finger, what amount you need to move a part.
The flexibility is probably best conveyed by pointing out that most Bento hand animation HUDs list the hand by positions, claiming 12, 24, or some number of poses. Fate claims 8± million poses. That is based on the number of adjusters (sliders) and the number of adjustment positions per slider. Lots of permutations.
Also, there is the [HD] bento Facial expression HUD. OMG, this is another HUD I didn’t know about. Where have I been?
This HUD is for posing Bento heads, changing expressions. It works with varying degrees of success depending on the head you have. You’ve no doubt figured out not all heads are the same when it comes to adjusting shape. Those differences are a problem for this HUD too. BUT… they have a demo HUD (map URL). So, we can try it out.
The HUD is one of the first I’ve seen to use the Advanced Experience Tools to provide a demo. Very nice. You just have to try it out in-store. Leave the store and the HUD detaches. But, it avoids inventory clutter.
There are 16 eye poses and 16 lip poses (256 permutations mixing eye and lip poses). With my GA.EG Jennifer head about half of them are useful, IMO. They all change expression but, some just look bad. I think about half are something I would use and half I am sure I would never use. Uggily.
This isn’t a freeform poser as the Fate HUD is for the hands.
The HUD is made by hiko Nino, the owner of Happy Dispatch. In Hiko’s store you’ll find ad-on packs for the facial HUD to add more expressions.