A couple of weeks back there was a splash in the SL blogosphere about the Ruckus Let’s Smash Couch. I wrote about it like 4 weeks ago. See: New Sex in Second Life? The remarkable part is the animations.
When answering a question in the forum about who is making good animations, I mentioned Ruckus. (Demo area Location NSFW – URL OK) Some of the people checked out the Let’s Smash Couch. Seems most were blown away. It is impressive.
Now there is a Ruckus Let’s Smash Bed… (MP URL SFW) Caroline (URL NSFW) at Second Life Adventures says it is better than the couch. You’ll find the demo in the Ruckus demo area. Every time I’ve been there someone is trying out the bed. Continue reading More WILD Sex?
On the 22nd there was a Web Users’ UG meeting. I missed it. But, Grumpity Linden posted a list of Marketplace fixes, Recent Marketplace Deploys.
You may have astutely noticed that we had released a number of changes to the Marketplace recently. Some of them were unintentional (more on that below), but here’s the good stuff:
Gift email was missing if the gift message was blank. Everyone should get a gift email!
Residents with the last name Resident couldn’t leave product reviews. That was bad, and is fixed.
Character count of product description included newlines and so was obviously wrong. Righted that wrong.
Favorites which are no longer available are now marked as such, and can all be removed with a single click
Email changes on SL now propagate to the Marketplace.
Allow merchants to choose to list multiple “Custom Avatar Brand Names”
Retain “Sort By” preferences between pages and sessions. Makes sense.
You can now remove items from the Related Items popup.
It’s “Land Impact” not “Prim Count”
The Mesh Quiz is a thing of the past. It will stay in the past, but will surely live on in our memories.
But wait, there’s more! Coming soon: Wish Lists, Favorite Sellers, Autocomplete brand names, Fix for BUG-225307 (Related inactive items) , Fix for BUG-225309 (Sorting bug)
Using the left-column of filters makes finding stuff a bit easier. But, one has to know to make the search using the top ITEMS – Merchant/Store search setting ‘Search In’, ‘Show Maturity Levels’, and ‘Keywords’before adding the left-column filters.
The ‘Sort By’ in the mid-upper right of the page just below the ITEMS search is also a big help. The sort can be changed at any time in your searches.
You can also search for a store or merchant. Once you select a merchant/store you have the option to ‘Search this store’. Then follow with left-column filters.
Things in the marketplace do not age out. Also, when merchants stop using Second Life, their stuff remains in the market place. Even if it requires a third-party server to work and that server is taken offline. All of which is a BIG gotcha for new SL users.
So, the sort order can be important search criteria.
You may know grunge is a THING in computer modeling. It is easy to make perfect stuff that looks totally new. It takes some talent to age it and give it signs of wear and dirt. Those improving their creative skill seem to eventually try adding grunge to whatever they are creating.
A fascinating display of grungy, dirty, rusting things can be found in Second Life’s game The Wastelands. I’ve been exploring and playing in Wastelands, probably SL’s oldest and longest-running game, at least AFAIK. My problem is I feel overdressed. I more commonly dress for shopping, events, and clubs.
There are numerous other role play games in SL set in the post-apocalyptic eras. However, in most SL role play areas of such eras, the women make high-end call-girls look like nuns.
I don’t have the clothes for a Wastelands look… The players I have seen go for a more probably real look. So, with my 55k inventory, I have nothing to wear… so sad… …and I have a bridge for sale in San Francisco. (Contact me in-world.)
It is true I literally have nothing I think works for Wastelands style… well, with my mesh body. I have made a classic body outfit that suffices. But, I hate it. So, I’ve been on a quest to find clothes I think work and that I like. I’m not going to take on the Walking Deadzombie look. Eck! There are plenty of those playing in Wastelands that favor that look, just not me. Continue reading Does Second Life have Grunge Clothes?
The Linens have announced some new things coming to Second Life™. Some are good, some are a pain.
In the pain department first, there is an increase in the fee to buy Linden dollars (L$). It is going from US$0.60 to $0.99 per transaction. This goes into effect today, Nov 2, 2017. Dang. I need Lindens…
Also, when cashing out the fee goes from 1.5% per transaction, with a $3 (USD) minimum and a $25 (USD) maximum to 2.5% per transaction, with a $3 (USD) minimum, and no maximum. This happens January 3, 2018.
Why? Thank criminals and government regulators. The cost to remain compliant with regulations is going up.
In the goodies department, money is being budgeted for; new features, engineering support, customer support, billing systems and upgrades, and customer acquisition outreach. These are all good things. I like new features. Animesh is the exciting one. The improved server-side baking for 1024 rez and adaption for use with mesh bodies and other mesh attachments is intertwined with animesh phase I & II. But, it has great potential to reduce avatar induced lag. Continue reading Planned Second Life Updates
A basic idea in the free market and civilization in general is theft and misrepresentation are bad things. I suppose that is why we love politicians. So, when we find a place where theft and lying are harming people many of us will step up and say something. So, Strawberry Singh has spoken in Full Perm Marketplace Scams. Yay, girl!
Check her article to get the full story.
I think we need better tools to help us in our battles against the ethically and morally challenged of Second Life™. There is also the problem of how much time can we ask the Lab to spend on devising those tools when we have much more fun stuff that they need to be working on? Continue reading Second Life Scams
Word is getting around that the Marketplace (MP) has shifted to the new search feature. There are some problems with the new search. I like it, but nothing is perfect.
One problem is items removed from the MP are showing up in search. Another is how title words and keywords are ranked in the search algorithm has changed. More weight given to title words. The fear is this will lead to cluttered item names. Some believe people will start cramming there keyword list into the items name, title.
Whatever the case on these problems, there is a place where you can discuss the problems you have with the new search. See the SL Forum thread titled: Marketplace Search Issues [ New ].