Second Life Content Creators’ Meeting 2018 w10

Getting video of these meetings is a PITA. Medhue (1:27 PM) and I (1:08 PM) both were late getting to the meeting. Medhue’s audio has reverb… which generally comes from room echo… the combination of the sound source (talker) and reflected sound from walls reaching the mic at slightly different times. There are no echoes or room reverb in Second Life™. So, the computer’s speaker output has to be fed back via an open mic or duel channels in the recording app. Neither appears to be the case for Medhue…

I got there a bit earlier. I recorded the meeting, so the source is on my computer. I can edit it and clean up the audio. So, this week I’ll use my video. It takes some time to clean up the video and audio. Plus, Thursday is a busy day for me, RL. So, mine comes out later, like Saturday or Sunday.

The first thing you are likely to notice in the video is Vir Linden’s voice is messed up. In Medhue’s video, Vir Linden’s voice is also messed up but in a different way. So, the problem is in the connections or our computers. I have yet to figure out what’s up with mine.

I’ve cleaned the audio up a bit. But, there is only so much repair work one can do.  Continue reading Second Life Content Creators’ Meeting 2018 w10

Content Creation 2017 w48

This week the Content Creation UG met. There isn’t a lot of new news. We are at the point the Lindens are grinding out fixes. Developers are wanting to start building animesh products. But, the state of animesh just isn’t there.

I’ve used Medhue’s video. The audio sucks. I had my volume maxed and it was still a problem for some voices. But, you can hear most of it. My summary and index follows.

0:00 – The next Animesh viewer will be a merge of the existing main viewer, which is the Alex Ivy 64-bit viewer. There may be a couple of Animesh fixes in the release. But, primarily the change is to 64-bit.

1:17 EEP – Rider was on vacation last week. So, he didn’t get much done. He is currently moving things from the viewer into the sim host. Meaning the server side of inventory is being built. Rather than manually importing Windlight presets from other viewers and collection into the program folders, we will have inventory items. All those presets will be Windlight settings things we keep in inventory. Continue reading Content Creation 2017 w48

Content Creation UG 2017 w45

I am having a difficult time logging into the ADITI grid. I can get logged in, but I’m mostly not fully connecting. I can’t move, walk, or teleport. Can’t even move by sitting on something. Sometimes the chat service does not connect. Voice seems to always work. With persistence, I make it in with a usable connection. Never a problem in AGNI.

So, it is a good thing Medhue got his streaming working. I’ve linked to his video. Unfortunately, he had the gain turned down and the audio is very low. So, you may get blasted by any other sound that comes on while you are watching.

There was more news from the Server Beta UG later in the day. I’ve folded that information in with the CC coverage.


The index with time marks is below this summary.


A new version of the project viewer rolled out: Second Life Project Animesh Viewer version If you are running the project viewer, it will force an update. My update went as intended. Just the project viewer is updated.

Shadows now work. I think he means animesh things now cast shadows.

Animesh linksets now will allow a mix of animesh, mesh, and prims. To be more technically and grammatically correct… linksets can now contain any type of prim. I think the primary reason was the need to have a prim for the root of the animesh link set.

Also, viewer crashes were fixed. So, less crashing. Continue reading Content Creation UG 2017 w45

Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 2017 w39

I am using Medhue’s video for my index. He has one of the new 21:9 ratio screens. So, you’ll likely see a big letterbox display like I see on my 16:9 screen. Medhue streams the meeting live. The resulting video gets saved as 720p video, which is fuzzy if you take it full screen.


00:00 – Medhue setting up and getting the stream going.

03:30 – Vir Linden says they are submitting a project viewer to QA soon. Provided they do not find something horribly wrong, we will soon have a project viewer. I think there is a good possibility we will see a viewer in October… if things go well.

04:00 – Vir is working on transform matrices for attached animesh. He feels he has it to the place users can start helping with the testing. So, a project viewer will soon release.

Transform matrices are about how the animesh’s vertices get moved as the avatar moves and the animesh animates. Continue reading Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 2017 w39

Second Life Content Creation 2017 w37

I’ll use Medhue’s video again this week. Busy with other stuff and missed the meeting.

Medhue apparently missed the first 8 minutes or so.


00:30 – Server-Side Baking update. Presently in QA and impact analysis.

01:15 – Inverse kinematics… not currently in the works. Continue reading Second Life Content Creation 2017 w37

Second Life – Content Creation 2017 w35

This was the first meeting in 3 weeks, Vir Linden, the meeting facilitator, has been on vacation. Next week there is no CC UG meeting because of the monthly Linden Staff meeting conflicts. So, savor this one.

Medhue streams the meeting live on YouTube. (With his new 21:9 ratio monitor.) The video remains on YouTube so, you can watch it at your convenience later or live as it happens. I usually record the meetings also, but this one I won’t post as I don’t have the time to process it and I see no point in having two raw footage videos. Plus, too few watch it anyway. About 3 times or more people catch Medhue’s video. So, I’ll probably skip publishing future processed versions.

I provide an index to the videos because I often want to refer back to something in the video. Text search works thus my indexes. AFAIK, there is no searchable way to find information in video format.


01:00 – Vir Linden is talking about the Animesh Project Viewer. This week three LSL commands are now appearing in the SL Wiki, being new.

These show in the wiki as feature requests. Until the project viewer is released, they cannot be used.

There is no ETA for the project viewer. While it is way off, I think there is a good chance it will be this year. Continue reading Second Life – Content Creation 2017 w35

Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 2017 w27

The crowd at the Content Creation UG meeting is growing. I think that is mostly due to Medhue live-streaming the meetings.

These meetings are somewhat just small updates on the week-to-week progress the Lindens are making on Server-Side Baking and animated mesh objects, animesh. While there isn’t much new, we are learning more about animesh.

Vir Linden and crew are figuring out how to make animesh work. Group participants are thinking more about how they would like it to work. So, on both sides, the plan is getting more sophisticated. The meetings are interesting.

This week’s video runs about 1hr 8 minutes. I couldn’t hang out after the meeting. But the post-meeting can last an hour. It might go longer, but the Server Beta meeting starts and hour after, so several people leave to make that meeting. Continue reading Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 2017 w27

Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 5/27/2017

This is an interesting meeting. Vir Linden announces some of the projects the Lindens are going to be working on. I have some pre-meeting coverage and then some post-meeting footage. The video is long. I did not time compress this video. There is quite a bit going on in chat. At normal speed, it is hard enough to keep up with. So, I decided not to speed it up.

I also provided a topic index/summary of the video. You’ll find time marks in the text. [Maybe a few minutes before the video finishes uploading and becomes visible here.]

Animating Breasts – You can animate breasts. But, the animations suffer from the buoyancy and cleavage appearance sliders getting messed up.

Medhue may have a workaround. He thinks we might be able to animate the attachment points to animate breasts without breaking the sliders. Continue reading Second Life – Content Creation UG Meeting 5/27/2017