Second Life: Moving/Positioning Avatars

In 2013 Strawberry Singh posted a couple of articles (here & here) about positioning and moving avatars when setting up snapshots. This was needed for those areas where you do NOT have rez rights. Over time viewer upgrades broke those processes.

Avatar Positioning with Black Dragon

Every so often I would check to see if the problems with those processes had been fixed. With Firestorm 6.3.9 (May 2020 release date) I can move the avatar again sort of with her process.

Strawberry explained the process for moving your avatar. (Ref)

  • Open the Develop menu. Top menu, press Ctrl-Alt-Q to reveal it.
  • Then enable Develop->Avatar->Character Tests->Allow select avatar.
  • Press Ctrl-3 to open the Build Panel.
  • Right-click the avatar. Move arrows appear. Move.

Here is a video showing how it used to work. If you have a mesh avatar, right-clicking the avatar likely is not going to work. Instead, you have to right-click on your name tag. Then it works.

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Second Life Posing

Those of us taking snapshots in Second Life™ run into the problem of getting the avatar in the position we want. I think I’m up on the posing tricks for Second Life. But obviously the poser I’ll talk about below shows I’m not totally up.
Playful by Bryce Sun @ Flickr

Bryce Sun made this image. I think it is just awesome. And in the description Bryce explained how the pose was done. Oh… there is a Fate Hand Poser HUD. I didn’t know… or forgot if I ever did. This HUD came out about the time Bento did, 2016. It is now in version 2.5 (L$695). The video I show here is made using version 1.0.

In a way this is a bit like the poser in the Black Dragon Viewer. The difference is the graphical interface. Black Dragon has a poser that is great fun. The problem is if you haven’t been animating in Second Life you don’t know which bone name does what. It isn’t hard to figure out by guessing from the names, but you still have to figure some of it out.

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