What is the new SEX thing in Second Life?

One of the recent innovations is AFK sex workers. What is possible beyond that? Well, sex robots. Eliminates ALL labor costs. We now have animesh sex companions. I suppose I should have seen it coming.

You can see the first ones I’ve seen at Glawio’s region. These are not that well animated. There are a couple that are HOT and several that are just lame. There are a bunch of them.



I suspect this will give some scripters ideas and better robots will be made.

The tough part for sexbots is the animation and chat. Plus, they are passive. It will take some serious AI to get around the current limits.

Where is the Porn? Erotic? Just Sexy? A view from Second Life

Whether in RL or Second Life™ people are interested in beauty and beautiful things. I am of the opinion SEX and the sexy can be beautiful… gorgeous, and/or stimulatingly erotic. Sex can also be crude, vulgar, and/or violent. While often being an expression of caring or love, flipping the coin over we know it can also be devoid of any caring for another and totally about self-centered gratification and control.

Gallant: Spring Romance (Photo 4)

Gallant: Spring Romance (Photo 4)

Whatever the case, it is hard to classify art as either erotic or pornographic. Those issues rage worldwide. You can decide what is which. I don’t care how you decide. Just don’t load your opinions on me. I just want to see what I consider titillating erotic art. Preferably without gallons of dripping body fluids. But sometimes that is just what I want. Continue reading

More WILD Sex?

A couple of weeks back there was a splash in the SL blogosphere about the Ruckus Let’s Smash Couch. I wrote about it like 4 weeks ago. See: New Sex in Second Life? The remarkable part is the animations.


When answering a question in the forum about who is making good animations, I mentioned Ruckus. (Demo area Location NSFW – URL OK) Some of the people checked out the Let’s Smash Couch. Seems most were blown away. It is impressive.

Now there is a Ruckus Let’s Smash Bed… (MP URL SFW) Caroline (URL NSFW) at Second Life Adventures says it is better than the couch. You’ll find the demo in the Ruckus demo area. Every time I’ve been there someone is trying out the bed. Continue reading

New Sex in Second Life?

Yeah… people still have sex in RL & SL… Which group is having the most sex is debatable. Everyone participates in RL while only a few participate in SL. So, number-wise RL wins. But, what part of a person’s RL time is devoted to sex? Versus what part of an avatar’s time in SL is devoted to sex?

Ruckus Store – Smash Couch – May 2019

I don’t have the answers. As best I can tell no one knows. I suspect some log into SL only for sex. Those people would push the percentage of time for SL people higher. I also know a number of people that never and/or rarely have sex in SL and they would lower the percentage. So, who knows?

I suppose our opinions are colored by whether we are getting some or not. Whether we are or aren’t we have our ideas of how it goes. But, in Second Life there are so many OLD animations that user over and over. Now there are new strokes for the folks. Continue reading

SL’s Top 10 Favorite Sex Places, according to Jessica

Jessica on Second Life Adventures went on a quest to find the top 10 popular places for sex. It isn’t a highly precise survey, but neither is sex highly precise…

★ Look 480

★ Look 480

You’ll find some interesting places to visit. Jessica points out an oddity in the capture-rape BDSM areas of SL, like Public Disgrace. Quoting her:

There is nothing worse than being on a capture / rape type of place and being asked for sex.

Being asked!

Hello guys, just fucking do it, don’t be kind, don’t be polite, don’t ask for consent. Just do it. That’s what a rape role play is all about. I was asked several times for sex. They actually did ask!

I have seen this happen… I think the Left’s anti-male propaganda is having an effect. If you think that is silly, rate THIS on your scale of the ridiculous. They, government, are moving right into our bedrooms…

Jessica has no idea why oRaGsMs is such a popular place. It does get the most traffic of those in her list. I think it is obvious that it is the name. The place is full of newbs… well, a high percentage at least. I think they find it easily in search. Continue reading

Second Life News 2019 w03


No Deploys post this week. Simon Linden tells us there will be an RC rollout. My main channel home region did not restart today, Tuesday.

The only change Simon mentions is more logging is added to the RC.

Can't stop the dawn

Can’t stop the dawn


The main/default viewer remains version Last updated 2018 week #50.

Second Life Bugsplat Viewer version – Last update was in week #47. 

Second Life EAM Viewer version – Last updated 2018 week #51.

Second Life Love Me Render Viewer version – Last updated in week #50.

Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – Last updated in 2018 week #10.

Second Life Project Bakes On Mesh Viewer version – Last updated in week #50.

Second Life Project EEP Viewer version – Last updated in week #51.

Takes some time for things to start moving after the holidays. Plus, the flu is starting to hit. (Flu Map)

Continue reading

Second Life: AFK Sex Thing Update

This AFK Sex Thing is a definite growth industry in SL. For many it is controversial. Some feel it is changing SL from a social app to a quick stop orgasm shop. Whatever the case, there are more AFK shops than when I last looked.

There are trends apparent in the shops now. Some are dead… no clients, no workers. These tend to be ‘park your AV here’ places with few requirements and moderate effort put into building the place or publicizing it. Others are jam packed and tend to be well built, advertised, and cater to clients… better customer service (no pun). They have more rules and offer more … services? And the owners have obviously been thinking about how to make things work for the customer and workers.

Sleeping Beauty AFK Sex

The percent paid the works has an influence on whether workers want to be there. But, it is the shop’s requirements for what workers they will accept that may make the big difference. The busy ones seem to require all mesh avatars, which tends to make them way better looking.

The payment thing is changing. In some places failing to tip will result in a region ban. In other places payment is before services are rendered with additional charges up front for live RP. A tip-before-you-sit mentality. Continue reading

Second Life Bits …and Sex – 2018 Week #38

SL Gossip

New World Notes has a big (lots of words) article, big for NWN, about the SL Secrets website, the owners getting banned, and the Second Life™ Governance Team… maybe writing the word ‘system’ rather than ‘team’ would be more accurate.

This ‘secrets’ site is one of those sites with things on it where we can never know the truth. It is all unverifiable they said versus the others said and one side is bound by privacy laws and can’t speak in their defense. Just the drama prone scenario politicians love. Sway the emotional…

Gossiping about Sam

Gossiping about Sam

If you don’t know, SL Secrets is a website where bullies, haters, and gossipers can go to create victims and dox them and troll readers. Snowflakes show up to whine and cry.

There is no way to vet the claims that show up there. So, it is all drama. Unfortunately, there is a market for it.

And SL banned the owners of the site… really!?!  Continue reading