Second Life’s Caroline has a Secret Hideaway

The Hideaway is a recent addition to SL. It is a place to meet up anonymously and hook up. Think about being anonymous in SL… really!?! How does one do that? Caroline and crew found a way.

If you haven’t found Caroline Takeda’s Second Life Adventures and the Second Life Escorts sites (both NSFW URLs) and are into sex… then you are missing out. Caroline is always working on ways to make a buck starting sex businesses. Sex sells… don’t you know? And the articles there while sometimes educational are almost always titillating.

Eye Wide Shut!?!

One of the more recent efforts is her Secret Hideaway. She has written about it (here and here) in her blogs. Alas I only occasionally check in on her blogs. So, I hadn’t noticed the club opening until Caroline sent me an invitation to get a free mask. They normally cost a thousand Linden. O.O So, yeah, I thought I better get my little tush down there and get one. I did.

If it is about new features, or something, in SL I haven’t seen in SL then I’m interested. But a thousand Linden, that would have put me off. I won’t spend L$200 without a demo first. But free… I’m all in.

This anonymous thing had me curious how will they do that? Plus, the place is secret and you supposedly can’t find it without the mask.

In SL your RL ID is confidential. But your avatar’s ID is way public, like living under the UK cameras. But they did find a near-perfect way to hide your identity while in the club. Surprising. It works.

I used to scout enemy bases in NOR (combat/sex RP). I am pretty good at getting into places I’m not supposed to be in. So, claiming it couldn’t be found was a challenge. But so far, it has been difficult enough I gave up.

Continue reading Second Life’s Caroline has a Secret Hideaway

Second Life: Paying for It

No… not for SL, for “it”. For those with the standard perverted mind that generally lives in the gutter the intent for “it” is obvious, SEX.

I write when I think something is interesting (sex qualifies), surprises me (I didn’t know that), or is a happening thing for SL residents (oh, there are people here). I recently came across Bar No.5 (map URL) in an area labeled Street Whores in the region Hoogenach. The region qualifies on all three. While the bar isn’t all that busy it is notorious… well… to some. I hadn’t heard of it.

Waiting in an empty bar…

For some reason, I had gone over to Caroline’s Second Life Adventures (NSFW URL) and saw a couple of posts on Bar No.5. Hmmm… so what is this place? Candy, the girl in the post, was having fun. Curiosity. I decided to check it out.

I had to do some searching using the viewer’s search to find the bar. One has to enter Bar No.5 with the period and no spaces between the ‘No’, period, and ‘5’. You find the region Hoogenach, which Google Translate thinks is Dutch but the translation makes no sense.

Continue reading Second Life: Paying for It

Second Life ‘Featured’ Destination?

Today I see the Lindens are featuring a Drax video on SL’s Insilico (URL Destination Guide – This lands one at the OLD main landing point.) in Destinations. I personally thought the video fell far short of portraying Insilico as the amazing build that it is. But, Insilico has lost its awesome. It is no longer the amazing build of perspective and scale illusions of the Skills Hax days (2015 and before). So, Drax made the best of what is left.

Drax made a video in 2015 that does a better depiction of Insilico… abet, as it was.

In 2016 it was thought Insilico would close. See my Insilico Update – The LONG Story. Things worked out and Insilico is still around but without Skills Hax.

In SL search there are a number of links (7) into Insilico. Checking them and the older LM’s I have I find most are useless. I would say this is the primary Insilico Cyberpunk Roleplay LM (SLURL). The SURL in the Destinations article is pretty lame and totally inadequate when one considers they were promoting roleplay. However, land there and hang out, you will get you a link in local chat to the Cyberpunk RP location. Now if one just notices it…. Continue reading Second Life ‘Featured’ Destination?

SL’s Top 10 Favorite Sex Places, according to Jessica

Jessica on Second Life Adventures went on a quest to find the top 10 popular places for sex. It isn’t a highly precise survey, but neither is sex highly precise…

★ Look 480
★ Look 480

You’ll find some interesting places to visit. Jessica points out an oddity in the capture-rape BDSM areas of SL, like Public Disgrace. Quoting her:

There is nothing worse than being on a capture / rape type of place and being asked for sex.

Being asked!

Hello guys, just fucking do it, don’t be kind, don’t be polite, don’t ask for consent. Just do it. That’s what a rape role play is all about. I was asked several times for sex. They actually did ask!

I have seen this happen… I think the Left’s anti-male propaganda is having an effect. If you think that is silly, rate THIS on your scale of the ridiculous. They, government, are moving right into our bedrooms…

Jessica has no idea why oRaGsMs is such a popular place. It does get the most traffic of those in her list. I think it is obvious that it is the name. The place is full of newbs… well, a high percentage at least. I think they find it easily in search. Continue reading SL’s Top 10 Favorite Sex Places, according to Jessica

Second Life: Pfaffenthal

Pfaffenthal 1867 is a historically accurate Second Life build of a section of the city of Luxembourg in 1867±. Several in the blogosphere are writing about it being moved to Sansar. (Closing 11/26/2018) Jo Yardley’s article is here: Pfaffenthal 1867 closes its doors in Second Life and moves to Sansar

Pfaffenthal - 01
Pfaffenthal – Second Life June 2015

The reason for the move given in a letter to Pfaffenthal residents is land-cost, the free 4×4 km land in SL would require about 225 regions in Second Life… at US$300± per region… that is $67,000/mo… Free vs $67k…

But space in a virtual world is not just about cost and the amount of building space. SL has value because of people. People will be a bit tougher to find in and attract to a build in Sansar. Continue reading Second Life: Pfaffenthal

Over Dose of CUTE

There are neat places in SL. A few are cute or have cuddly animals. But, I stumbled on D-Lab searching for helicopters and they are over the top cute. They have an adorable little 2-seater helicopter that I saw near an airport. I tracked down the creator and found D-Lab’s Skyshop.

D-Lab’s Skyshop

Most of the stuff in the image they have for sale. Much of the really cute stuff is only visible inside the chop. They sorta have two showrooms. The fun stuff is in the shop shown above, the Skyshop.  Continue reading Over Dose of CUTE

Pine Lake – November 2017

Pine Lake is a post-apocalyptic build in Second Life™.  I’m not that much into doing travel guide stuff for SL. But, occasionally I find a place that is like… Wow! Pine Lake is such a place.

PineLake_001 - Landing Point
PineLake_001 – Landing Point

You can get a kinda lame idea of what the place is like from their Flickr Group. The images there today do not do the build justice.

It is the attention to detail that impresses me. Wow! Just wow. The amount of detail is incredible. Continue reading Pine Lake – November 2017

The Odd AFK Sex Thing…

Sex in Second Life is strange, to begin with. But, the big thing right now seems to be AFK sex. There is a growing number of AFK sex places. As you probably expect, they range from sleazy to high end classy and all in between.

The basic idea is one strips their avatar, adds the genitals, and plops her/him on a sex pose-ball… or whatever we call the no pose-ball things, in a sex bed. Then we go do whatever… away from the keyboard – AFK. So, overnight while sleeping, you can have your avatar working servicing horny avatars.

AFK Sex Base Island – OCt 2017

Those that want visual sex without the role play can jump on the bed and have sex with the AFK avatar. The idea is they will tip for the favor. The house takes 0 to 20% and the avatar keeps 100 to 80%. Some see this as a great way to earn Lindens. I’m not so sure. I see a lot of avatars getting banged and a zero-sum in their tip jars. So, they are really getting screwed.

And as you might imagine there are sexbots… entire empires of bots working the AFK sex shops. So, there is a battle between the shop owners, wanting to make their shops open to ‘real’ avatars rather than enriching a bot mogul, and the moguls. I’m not sure it makes any difference to the people wanting sex.

WARNING! R rated pictures ahead.

Continue reading The Odd AFK Sex Thing…