Social Media: A New Scam – Sextortion

Today I find a new scam is popping up on the Internet. Basically blackmail, a really old crime. The media is giving it a new name to describe a specific kind of crime: sextortion.

Potrait 3

Potrait 3

Sextortion is the scam of getting someone into an online sex thing where it can be videoed or pictures taken. This is apparently most prevalent on Facebook. The threat is they will show your kink to your family, friends, and/or business associates.  Continue reading

Second Life: Free Speech Ban in UK? No Sex?

This year has seen many attacks on free speech. A new restriction is going into effect in the UK. UK to censor online videos of ‘non-conventional’ sex acts.

Beautiful in white

Beautiful in white

I’ve already been contacted by people in Second Life™ worried that it may mean SL will be banded in the UK. It gets complicated as banning requires ‘unconventional sex acts’ be defined and that age verification meet certain standards, which seem to be poorly defined and left to some bureaucrat to decide.  Continue reading

Second Life: Finding Virtual Sex

How does one find adult places in Second Life™? There are several blogs that write about places in Second Life. But, the places covered on the blogs are mostly found in the Second Life™ blog articles published by the Lindens titled: Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide. They are interesting places. But, for those looking for something of a more adult flavor, none are likely to meet their desire.

[Hot List]

Hot List

The regions covered Linden Lab® are mostly PG rated regions. In the last article of September, the regions highlighted were rated; 3 General 17.5% (PG), 11 Mature 65% (R), and 3 Adult 17.5% (X?). Remember. Adult is not always a sex thing. Violence can push a region into an Adult rating. Since it is October and Halloween… 2 of the 3 Adult rated regions appear to have gotten their rating from violence, gore, or may be just being built on Adult rated land. The three regions are:  Continue reading

Second Life Tutorial: RLV, Mesh, and Folders – How it works, How to Use

What RLV is…

RLV = Restrained Love Viewer, formerly Restrained Life Viewer. But Linden Lab® thought that use of the word Life in the name infringed on or put at risk their Second Life™ trademark. So, they pushed on those developing RLV and it changed.

RLV in the Adult Hub

RLV training in the Adult Hub

What RLV is, is a set of tools built into a viewer that extends what we can do with Second Life™. The RLV capable viewers have a way for users to program/control each other’s viewers. Just as the Lab’s Advanced Experience Tools (AET) allow a programmer to; attach a HUD to your viewer, teleport your avatar, and do other things without the normal user interaction. So too, RLV allows a programmer to do similar things with your viewer and avatar. The difference between AET and RLV is in the flavor and amount of control the user gives  to a third party.  Continue reading

Second Life: Physics Tutorial

Things go in cycles. Have you noticed? Second Life™ tutorials certainly seem to come in waves. For instance Strawberry Singh has redone her Avatar Physics tutorial as a video. See: Second Life Avatar Physics Tutorial or jump directly to the video tutorial at YouTube. I suggest you read Strawberry’s article.

Strawberry’s is a nine minute video that covers the information you can find detailed in the Firestorm Viewer’s wiki: Firestorm Avatar Physics, with a bit more detail. Everything you really need to know is in the video. I think she did a pretty good job on the video.

She points out that your mesh body and mesh clothes have to be rigged for Avatar Physics, otherwise your boobies and other parts won’t bounce. The only way you can know if an item is correctly rigged is to try the demo. Merchants just don’t put this stuff in the promo material, at least not in-world. They are a bit better in the marketplace.

According to what Strawberry is told only the Belleza body has butt bounce. From firsthand experience she says Slink and Maitreya bodies do not, just breast and belly bounce.

OMG! Can I get laid in Sansar?

I think this is kind of funny. But the second anxiety Canary Beck came up with is just that question, not worded quite that way, but not being PC I don’t have to ‘imply’ it. I can just say it. See Canary’s: Are Second Life residents anxious about Project Sansar?



Canary indicates 60% of Second Life™ residents use SL to engage in adult activities. Not all adult activities involve sex. Some of the Zindra groups worked, or may still be working, to make people more cognizant of that point. But, engaging in some sexual activity is a large part of the adult activities in SL.  Continue reading

Lost Eden Asking for Help

Lost Eden is a meeting hook up place for adults. They recently asked for help supporting their region.

The Victorian Room

The Victorian Room @ Lost Eden

Lost eden needs your help

Friday,18 Sep 2015 11:05:12 GMT

We’re perhaps the most popular, chattiest , and friendliest group in SL and we’re none commercial and volunteer staffed. We totally rely on you, our members and friends, to help support Eden by donating to the Apples Donation Jars all over the sim. We can’t survive if we don’t cover our tier and we are very down this month so please, please… do donate and visit Eden and  give it your support buy from the shops to help support us, but above all donate.

Staff and Managment  of Eden rely on your kindness and help
