Second Life News Week #36

General News

SL Travel

Ever wonder how the SL travel and places blogs find those awesome places?

It seems the Blogger & Vlogger Network has a list of them. (here) They also have a form one can fill out to add to the list. So, they find these places when people stumble-on or otherwise find them and add them to the list.

Only those who dream learn to fly
Only those who dream learn to fly

The list is titled Photogenic, Rezzable Sims. Rezzable? My first thought was griefers will LOVE this list. However, many of the locations require membership in a group to get rez-rights and a number of those groups have a Join Fee. About 20 of the 37 locations are listed as free. If there is a cost it is referenced in the listing. They also have the region’s maturity rating, PG, Moderate, and Adult. Nine are rated Adult, but not all 9 are hook-up places. And even those that are, look good.

The list apparently has some age. Several of the links landed me at places other than the obvious intended landing point but the correct region. However, a couple of regions were gone or repurposed.

I found Backdrop Cove (Map URL) in the list. Got some pictures. This place is not as crowded as Backdrop City. So, posing and setup was nicer. Also, you can rez stuff without having to join a group. They use a 60-minute return. It is a moderate region and the pose and animation stuff I saw was PG. Donations are appreciated. Please help out. Continue reading Second Life News Week #36

Second Life News Week #34

General News

At the Server and Scripting UG meeting, Simon Linden tells us there are several server updates in the pipeline. This means we are likely to see a steady series of updates rolling out.

Oz Linden tells us that soon the server Release Notes will be moving to the new release notes system now used by the viewer’s release notes. Not everyone is happy about that. But, release notes are being moved out of the Wiki.

N552 Family Breakfast
N552 Family Breakfast

The SL Wiki has an update planned. When asked if the SL Wiki was to be phased out, Oz replied, “[2019/08/20 12:07]  Oz Linden: if I proposed killing the wiki, there a[re] Lindens who would show up with pitchforks…rest assured that it is well defended.

One of our background-priority projects that is getting some attention is updating the wiki software, actually … no predictions when that might happen, but Someday™”

So, the wiki is to remain.

There is and has been some discussion about some way of adding script cost… something like Land Impact. The idea is to push people to write more efficient scripts and to wear fewer of them. Rider tells us that is a BIG project and unlikely to happen any time soon. Plus, it is only a popular idea with landowners.

Slink @ Hair Fair – See the announcement here. The hair Slink made available at the fair has an interesting coloring HUD. Lots of coloring control. Continue reading Second Life News Week #34

Second Life News 2019 w21

I am behind this week. Too many fun things to do and work keeps interfering with my life. However, there is some interesting stuff happening.


Well… no Deploys post this week. However, the main channel and I think RC channels got updates.

Flickr Down – Sad… no pretty picture today.

Second Life Server – Main channel – Internal Fixes – Fixed EEP Regressions. I think the regressions are the things that broke when the other thing got fixed… Whatever, they are sorting it out.

The RC’s as of Thursday looked like this: Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w21

Second Life News 2019 w11

Something messed up in the blog. Seems the site got a roll back. Week 10 disappeared… not sure how long it was even up. Oh well…

So, I have reposted week 10 news in the previous article.

Comic-Style - Learning how...
Comic-Style – Learning how…


No server Deploy post as of Tuesday morning. There is a 16-hour old post this morning in last week’s that says no rolls this week… So, I guess no rolls.

OH… WAIT… The post appeared just after noon.

Main channel no roll. Remains on #

Blue Steel and Le Tigre roll to version # The changes are Internal Fixes (shocker) and fixes to EEP.

Magnum gets version # Just Internal Fixes.

I am seeing a few more people post about being logged off at 15 to 20 minutes. Some European people are dealing with huge packet loss. Russians are protesting Putin’s isolating the Russian Internet net from the rest of the world. Many thought it impossible. But China has done it, Google is helping. So, it looks like Putin will do it.

There is an ongoing thing with region owners notice less available script time. An investigation is on the Lindens to do list after EEP rolls out. Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w11

Second Life News 2019 w09


Updates were planned. A problem was discovered last minute and neither the main or RC channels updated. Simon Linden explained at the Server-Scripting UG Tuesday. The Deploys post now reflects that change of plans.

[2019/02/26 12:02]  Simon Linden: Let’s see … well, for server news, our update this morning got cancelled by another last-minute problem we discovered

[2019/02/26 12:03]  Simon Linden: That stops tomorrows updates as well, but I believe we’re planning on doing restarts of all the regions on the RC channels

[2019/02/26 12:03]  Simon Linden: … and I’m working with another colleague as we speak helping to sort that issue out

[2019/02/26 12:04]  Simon Linden: That’s my excitement for the week, so the table is open for topics or discussion

One of the things to happen with the planned update was a channel with the UDP API disabled. This would test viewers to see if they were in some way still dependent on the UDP API. Those developing viewers or if you want to test can visit Mesh Sandbox 3 in Aditi. It has the planned update running.

You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry. Don't worry.
You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry. Don’t worry.

Some experimenting with whether or not their viewer is UDP dependent or not have seen some odd behavior. Whirly Fizzle did some testing and reports here.

It seems you inventory will load, the list. But you cannot fetch any of the assets.

So, Firestorm 5.0.7 users have about a week left before that viewer is totally crippled and then soon blocked. Update early. Avoid problems. Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w09

Second Life News 2019 w08

We have some news. Nothing too earth-shaking Firestorm did get their Animesh supporting viewer released. EEP server-side is behind expectations by another week. But better to fix before grid-wide release. The third-party dev UG  (YouTube video) was last Friday.


No roll to the main channel. We are staying on version # They found an issue while the planned to roll version was in RC last week. So, there will be a new RC of this one Wednesday. But the regions reaching two weeks without a restart will be getting a restart.

Take over
Take over

An issue for some has come up. If the regions are restarted at different times their day/night cycle gets out of sync with adjacent regions. When the main grid is restarted for an update all those regions are pretty much in sync for daytime.  Regions that have been restarted at various times for some reason get left out of the two-week no update restart, at least I think that is what is being complained about.

Seems the Lindens are not deliberately trying to do a daylight time sync. It is just however it works out. They consider when daylight happens as up to the region owner. Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w08

Second Life News + 3rd Party 2019 w05 and 06

The third-party Dev UG meeting was short and griefed. The video is here. Pantera Północy, the videographer, edited most of the griefing out. Annoying.


The main channel got an update, # Has logging to gather baseline information on simulator performance in various areas of interest and additional internal logging. So, they are now getting data from the majority of the grid.

N383 What To Wear
What To Wear

If you drive, fly, or sail now would be a good week to be active. Of course, Tuesday afternoon is a good day to drive, fly, or sail as the most regions have just been restarted.

Continue reading Second Life News + 3rd Party 2019 w05 and 06

Second Life News 2019 w05

There is no Deploys thread this week. From the Server-Scripting UG we hear,

[12:05] Simon Linden: For server news, there wasn’t an update to the main channel today but tomorrow will see 3 different RCs
[12:06] Simon Linden: We’ll have a new maintenance update in one channel
[12:06] Simon Linden: Another that only has internal changes
[12:07] Simon Linden: and _maybe_ an update for the EEP servers, but Rider is going after a bug that’s blocking that from moving forward
[12:07] Joe Magarac (animats): The “time is stuck” bug?
[12:07] Simon Linden: exactly Joe
[12:07] Simon Linden: yeah that one is a show-stopper …. and he’s working on it right now

Server-Scripting Meeting

So, no roll to the main channels and 3 updates likely coming to the RC channels Wednesday.


Also, notice:

Scheduled – We will be conducting scheduled maintenance on our inventory system on Wednesday, January 30 from 6:00 AM until 7:00 AM PST. During this time, some residents may experience difficulty rezzing items.

Continue reading Second Life News 2019 w05