Second Life™ is so much like real life. All the same problems, challenges, and drama present in RL are seen in SL too. Now we have the Maitreya Monopoly… First the drama story then the tech that makes this all so silly.
It seems blogger Sophee Mojo is unhappy with Maitreya or more accurately Onyx LeShelle the creator of Maitreya. The unhappiness has its root in the limited selection of clothes currently available for the Maitreya Mesh body or more accurately the limited set of designers. Sophee points to the developer’s kit for Maitreya that lacks ‘weighting’ information as a deliberate move on Maitreya’s part to control the clothes market. So, the unhappiness is expressed as complaints and accusations.
Sophee talks about how clothes and bodies are made. Unfortunately it appears Sophee believes some things that aren’t true. Onyx is said to have been dependent on the SL body and weights for the Maitreya body weights. Onyx may have started from the SL body and weights. Many designers do. I tried it both ways, using SL weights and starting from scratch. Both work and both are challenging.
Sophee goes on to say basically developers have to have the body weights to make clothes that fit and move correctly. That isn’t true. With the weights it is easier and way faster. But, it isn’t impossible without the weights, just really tedious.
So, if you make a mesh body and you want it to be popular and sell well, you provide designers/developers the weights so they can easily make things that work with your mesh body. That is Onyx’s intention too.
Sophee charges Onyx with deliberately creating divides between designers, bloggers, and customers. I suppose that is an affect of the Maitreya selection process. But, mostly the thought seems to be: by limiting those getting the kit divides are created. I wonder how many have asked why Onyx would want to create divides verse just accepting the idea as true?
Sophee says people tell her Onyx has the power to do as she wishes and hopes not. Seems Sophee thinks that would mean Onyx will continue to engage in this evil policy to deprive people of the developer’s kit and limit the clothing selection of those purchasing Maitreta bodies. Really!?! So, having the freedom to do as one wants is a bad thing…
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