Second Life: Updating Friends List Fails

This problem is/was happening pretty often. There is no user side fix. It requires a support ticket. The details follow. The error message is:

Login failed. Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong. Please check to see if there is a known problem with the service. If you continue to experience problems please check your network and firewall setup.

This error started appearing about last Tuesday, 12/19. 

It is account specific. You will be able to login with a different avatar from the same computer and viewer. Because it is account specific file a trouble ticket using the problem account at Alexa Linden also says contact Second Life Support.

If you have the problem and would like to help get it resolved, collect your logs immediately after you see the error and close the viewer. File those with a bug report in the SL Jira. Try BUG-11032 or BUG-11127.

This bug was supposedly fixed 1/4/16. As of 1/6 it is still happening.

7 thoughts on “Second Life: Updating Friends List Fails

  1. Well they sure did a shitty job fixing it because it started for me on 1/4/16 and is still happening 1/5/16. I have tried everything I can with firewall so I guess I am stuck waiting for them.

    • You have my sympathy… unfortunately it is a server side problem. So, you have no choice but to file a ticket and wait.

  2. I’m stuck in the friends loading mess too….
    My main avatar and one alt won’t login…..however I can log in with my third alt, but it is the one I rarely use…in other words no inventory to speak of…
    waiting is not one of my strong points…sigh

    • I feel you. I have little patience for waiting too.

      At Tuesday’s Server-Scripting meeting Oz Linden said they are working on it. They think they have it figured out. So, that means they are probably working on code to fix it.

  3. Well, you can send a ticket to Linden Lab but you’d wait days for a simple answer saying thank you to have notify them etc etc…

    Apparently that problem is caused by someone in your contact list who has changed the display name using one of these strange characters that, for some reason can’t be read by SL. So your contacts list can’t be updated.

    Here how I managed to fix that :
    1. I logged on my dashboard on
    2. I went to mysecondlife web profile / settings / friends and managed to remove contacts with suspect display names written with strange characters.
    3. After have deleted them, I was able to login normally.

    • Hello , HOW can I do it now ?

      I have lot of friends and sent tickets but still not good.

      Please help me for friendlist login issue
      2600 friends making me crazy.
      Can’t login 🙁

      • This is a question to ask in the SL Forum. You will need to provide more information and a better description of your problem when you ask in the forum.

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