Second Life News + 3rd Party 2019 w05 and 06

The third-party Dev UG meeting was short and griefed. The video is here. Pantera Północy, the videographer, edited most of the griefing out. Annoying.


The main channel got an update, # Has logging to gather baseline information on simulator performance in various areas of interest and additional internal logging. So, they are now getting data from the majority of the grid.

N383 What To Wear
What To Wear

If you drive, fly, or sail now would be a good week to be active. Of course, Tuesday afternoon is a good day to drive, fly, or sail as the most regions have just been restarted.

Continue reading Second Life News + 3rd Party 2019 w05 and 06

Content Creators’ UG Meeting 2018 w50

Interesting news came out of the CCUG meeting today. There is word on Firestorm’s release.

Here is the video of the meeting. I missed the first couple of minutes.

Word on Firestorm is at the start of the video. Beq Janus gave us an update in chat on where Firestorm is. Their Beta testing has moved to the larger group of Firestorm testers named the Preview Group. Next, it will go to public Beta before Christmas and the final release is expected for early January 2019.

In another article I pointed you toward Beq’s article on the changes to the Mesh Uploader in this next release of Firestorm. Continue reading Content Creators’ UG Meeting 2018 w50

Second Life: Enhanced Environment Project

This is coming along nicely. Simon and Oz Linden have started using it in the AGNI grid. You have to have an EEP Viewer to see the change, but, soon the RC viewer will go main and EEP will be an official feature of SL.

At the Server-Scripting UG meeting I arrived using the Firestorm viewer. The sky looked very different.

EEP Sky no EEP Viewer OCt 2018

Using region defaults I got this odd result. At first, I was trying to figure out what I was last doing that messed things up.

Then Simon explained what had changed. Switching over to the EEP Viewer I could see the new sky with a pumpkin moon.

EEP Sky and EEP Viewer – 10/2018

EEP will be fun.

EEP Debut – Oct 2018

The Enhanced Environment Project, EEP, has its semi-official announcement, Environmental Enhancement Project (aka EEP!) Feedback Thread. You find it in the SL Forum in Creation. I say ‘semi’ because the gold announcements of new features when released is made in the blog section Featured News.

EEP_001 – My landing point 128,128 EEPTesting, ADITI – Nice moon.

The feature is still only working in the preview grid, ADITI, and requires use of a project viewer: Second Life Project EEP Viewer version (release notes) You’ll find the download links in Alternate Viewers. This is a bump up from the initial confidential links released only to those participating in the Content Creators’ UG.

EEP_002 – Oh WOW.

This is a PROJECT viewer and thus is more likely to have bugs. So, it is not a viewer for daily use and is a bit risky. Continue reading EEP Debut – Oct 2018

Second Life: EEP Testing Begins

Enhanced Environment Project or EEP has begun testing (9/20/2018). The server-side code and inventory changes are only in place on Aditi, the preview grid. You also need the not-yet-project viewer. Which you can get here: OSX, Win-64, and Win-32.

Ed at DEAD 09212018_066
Ed at DEAD

These versions of the EEP viewer do NOT have the animesh code. However, the EEP enabled server code does have the animesh code. So, while you can see animesh animating in EEP regions you have to be using the Animesh RC viewer, which means you can’t see the EEP changes.

Confused? Think one or the other. Not both at the same time.

The region previously named Animesh1 is now named EEPTesting (URL). Continue reading Second Life: EEP Testing Begins

Second Life News from Third-Party Dev UG 2018 w#34

By meeting time, the Voice RC viewer had promoted to the main viewer, They have already found one new bug. Still, voice should be better on this version.

The RC version of the Animesh was waiting for a merge with voice, but, in the meeting, Kyle Linden told us it had passed Q&A and should be up on the Alternate Viewers page by the time you read this.

Let me tell you the story ♫♫
Let me tell you the story ♫♫

So, you may see some frozen characters scooting around the grid, which is what you see when you do not have an Animesh viewer and look at Animesh.

The Love Me Render RC viewer needs to update with voice. We’ll likely see that this week, 35.

Next week another Maintenance RC viewer w/bug fixes should pop up on the page. Continue reading Second Life News from Third-Party Dev UG 2018 w#34

SL Third-Party Dev Meeting 2018 w32

Not many attending last Friday… Some news mostly updates.

The Bugsplat RC Viewer should be identical to default viewer. The only difference is it uploads crash reports to the Bugsplat system. The Lindens are wrapping up their evaluation. There is no information pre-evaluation on where this is going. Oz Linden through it was going well. But, until the numbers and Linden-users’ evals are in no can know.


There is a Voice RC Viewer out and another in QA that uses a newer Vivox SDK. In the newer one voice crashes recover automatically.

Oz tells us there are 3 other viewer candidates likely to appear this week (#33).

The Animesh RC will get an update. Another Rendering changes version is coming. A new Maintenance version is in the wings waiting for a simulator change – the offline communication thing. The point here is to be more reliable in delivering messages at login, which were sent to you while you are offline.

Also, there are 3 Project viewers; the Estate Management Tools’ new features for the ban list, for which they are looking for feedback. There is the Snapshot Viewer which has no change, but they hope to get back to soon. For now, they are likely working on the Facebook problem with snapshots not uploading. The whole world seems to be on FB’s case. Continue reading SL Third-Party Dev Meeting 2018 w32

Second Life Content Creation UG 2018 w26

There is some interesting news out this week. The Lindens are getting more definite about some release dates.

This is the last meeting for a couple of weeks. Next meeting is July 19. The 4th of July is a US holiday and the next week is the company wide meeting, so no meeting those weeks.

Some of the discussion this week gets a bit heated.


I had some problems with sound. I think I caught most of the problems in post. The audio track has been dynamically compressed to lift the whispers and tone down the shouts.

Some sections have been time compressed, meaning the video can be running 2 to 5 times faster than RL. That can make it hard to read chat. Just stop the video to read. I suggest you not worry too much about chat. The Lindens are pretty good about repeating a question in voice before answering it. Continue reading Second Life Content Creation UG 2018 w26