The Enhanced Environment Project, EEP, has its semi-official announcement, Environmental Enhancement Project (aka EEP!) Feedback Thread. You find it in the SL Forum in Creation. I say ‘semi’ because the gold announcements of new features when released is made in the blog section Featured News.
The feature is still only working in the preview grid, ADITI, and requires use of a project viewer: Second Life Project EEP Viewer version (release notes) You’ll find the download links in Alternate Viewers. This is a bump up from the initial confidential links released only to those participating in the Content Creators’ UG.
This is a PROJECT viewer and thus is more likely to have bugs. So, it is not a viewer for daily use and is a bit risky.
Surprisingly, we are getting some of the scripting functions. Those currently available are;
- For Parcels
- llGetSunDirection()
- llGetSunRotation()
- llGetMoonDirection()
- llGetMoonRotation()
- llGetDayLength()
- llGetDayOffset()
- For Regions
- llGetRegionSunDirection()
- llGetRegionSunRotation()
- llGetRegionMoonDirection()
- llGetRegionMoonRotation()
- llGetRegionDayLength()
- llGetRegionDayOffset()
Rider Linden tells us we will have the complete scripting, or as I suspect at least more complete scripting, by the time the project reaches RC status. I’ve been understanding we wouldn’t see that until Phase II… So, this is a nice surprise. (ref)
Rider says the BIG ONES, functions, are in development.
The SL Wiki LSL section has not yet been updated. So, there are no details on the above listed or planned script functions there, yet. This is always a matter of do we want them documenting what they have or adding the rest of the functions… I am always for adding the rest.
Documentation is here. This is what we have so far.
Rider says that the ability for a script to control a user’s WL settings will be tied to an Experience. Parcel, estate, and region settings will be made via the viewer panels by the owner.
To get an idea of what can be done Rider has started a Sneak Peaks, non-pervy, thread. As you scroll down you’ll see some of the new User Interface (UI) panels. For more of those previews see Inara’s article on EEP: EEP Testing and Project Viewer Officially Announced.
Feature requests are probably best discussed in the feedback thread before filing a request in the JIRA.
Bugs are reported in the JIRA. Inara provided a JIRA EEP filter that lists the currently filed reports. Jump over to the JIRA and login before you click that link. The new JIRA version still has a problem with links and login. It is better, but sucks.
There are a couple dozen bugs as I write this. Nothing that creates a nuclear detonation in Cincinnati… if that matters to you. So, no reason not to play.
Visit the test region in ADITI to see what people are doing. The above image is from ground level at 128/128 in EEPTesting region. The rest are from my moving around the region. It is broken up into 80, I think, parcels. Whatever, they are 144m2 or 12x12m.
Once you move a bit, pause to let the environment change. If you fly across several regions, the WL settings stick with the parcel settings of the region you were in until you stop. Then in a couple of seconds they change.
Some of the transitions when you stop are amazingly neat. It can take a couple of seconds for moon textures to load. That gives some odd results.
I tried teleporting up to 1100, 2100, 3100 to see what they were doing with the four levels of sky & environment. But, that was too tedious and I wasn’t seeing anything spectacular in the first few places I tried. I found ground level more fun and gave up the checks at altitude. Don’t mean there isn’t some neat stuff up there, I just wasn’t finding it.
You can get the parcels for testing on a first come first served basis. But, unless you plan to test, please don’t. Also, if you are not using the parcel then the Lindens will revert it to abandoned land. If you do test, please set the land to ‘abandoned’ it when you are done. But, so far it does not look like they are running out of parcels.
I suspect some are waiting for the scripting to fill out.
The JIRA EEP filter is – as always – Whirly Fizzle’s work. She’s much quicker on the draw with setting them up.