EEP Tutorial – Second Life

Penny Patton has a new written EEP tutorial out about how to use the Enhanced Environment Project, the Windlight update, on your land. She uses the Black Dragon viewer in her tutorial for the source of the illustrations. Most viewers have the exact same panels for setting up the environment. So, the only problem for Firestorm and other viewer users is getting the initial About Land panel open. About Land allows you to edit the parcel’s environment settings. Otherwise, you are editing your personal view of the environment.

Custom Environment

At ground level in Firestorm, you can right-click the ground and select About Land. You can then edit the environment at the parcel or region level. Easy.

In Firestorm, the World->Region Details or Alt+R and then the Environment tab opens the same environment panel but, for Estate Managers until you right-click the ground you are editing your personal settings. And if you click on anything else you snap out of the parcel environment edit mode.

Also, if you teleport up to a high altitude you will likely lose the link to the parcel and can’t edit the environment.

Continue reading EEP Tutorial – Second Life

Second Life: Enhanced Environment Project

This is coming along nicely. Simon and Oz Linden have started using it in the AGNI grid. You have to have an EEP Viewer to see the change, but, soon the RC viewer will go main and EEP will be an official feature of SL.

At the Server-Scripting UG meeting I arrived using the Firestorm viewer. The sky looked very different.

EEP Sky no EEP Viewer OCt 2018

Using region defaults I got this odd result. At first, I was trying to figure out what I was last doing that messed things up.

Then Simon explained what had changed. Switching over to the EEP Viewer I could see the new sky with a pumpkin moon.

EEP Sky and EEP Viewer – 10/2018

EEP will be fun.

EEP Debut – Oct 2018

The Enhanced Environment Project, EEP, has its semi-official announcement, Environmental Enhancement Project (aka EEP!) Feedback Thread. You find it in the SL Forum in Creation. I say ‘semi’ because the gold announcements of new features when released is made in the blog section Featured News.

EEP_001 – My landing point 128,128 EEPTesting, ADITI – Nice moon.

The feature is still only working in the preview grid, ADITI, and requires use of a project viewer: Second Life Project EEP Viewer version (release notes) You’ll find the download links in Alternate Viewers. This is a bump up from the initial confidential links released only to those participating in the Content Creators’ UG.

EEP_002 – Oh WOW.

This is a PROJECT viewer and thus is more likely to have bugs. So, it is not a viewer for daily use and is a bit risky. Continue reading EEP Debut – Oct 2018

Second Life: EEP Testing Begins

Enhanced Environment Project or EEP has begun testing (9/20/2018). The server-side code and inventory changes are only in place on Aditi, the preview grid. You also need the not-yet-project viewer. Which you can get here: OSX, Win-64, and Win-32.

Ed at DEAD 09212018_066
Ed at DEAD

These versions of the EEP viewer do NOT have the animesh code. However, the EEP enabled server code does have the animesh code. So, while you can see animesh animating in EEP regions you have to be using the Animesh RC viewer, which means you can’t see the EEP changes.

Confused? Think one or the other. Not both at the same time.

The region previously named Animesh1 is now named EEPTesting (URL). Continue reading Second Life: EEP Testing Begins

Content Creators’ UG Meeting 2018 w08

I usually use Medhue’s video from his live stream of the Content Creators’ meeting and refer people to it. But, this week Medhue’s stream has no audio. Fortunately, I made it to the meeting this week and made a video.

But… all is not wonderful. Vir Linden’s mic was not working well. Examining the sound waves in Audition I see Vir’s voice is severely clipped. This happens when an input overdrives the system. You hear it when you turn the volume up too high on a radio with cheap speakers.

To some extent, this can be fixed in post-production. But, I’m a novice to intermediate audio person. I’ve never had to clean up an audio track this badly clipped before. I helped it. But, it ain’t great.

The time marks below are for my video. Following is my summary based on what I understood.

00:30 – Alexa Linden talked about the 360 Snapshot Project Viewer at the Content Creators’ UG Meeting (2/22). My take on the viewer is here: The Newly Revised 360-Snapshot RC Viewer is Out.

00:30 – Alexa Linden talked about the 360 Snapshot Project Viewer at the Content Creators’ UG Meeting (2/22). May take on the viewer is here: The Newly Revised 360-Snapshot RC Viewer is Out.

Continue reading Content Creators’ UG Meeting 2018 w08

New Skies for Firestorm

Hamlet has an article about Stevie Davros’ enhanced skies. In 2011 Firestorm added a feature that allows replacement of Second Life™ clouds. Thank you for the computer code, Cinder Roxley. Back then Vincent Nacon was creating new cloud images for this feature.

Stevie Davros Dramatic Skies

So, this feature is not new nor limited to Firestorm. JuicyBomb wrote a tutorial NEW CLOUDS FOR SECOND LIFE, May 2013, for those using the Linden Viewer. The instructions are good for any viewer.

Not much has changed since then. I just checked in the Linden Viewer 5.1.0 and there is still no provision for selecting a different cloud texture. So, it is still a manual change. Continue reading New Skies for Firestorm

Second Life Photography Tutorials

Flickr has a ton of Second Life™ images. Today: 2,901,249 images. Some are pretty bad, others REALLY kinky, and some amazingly gorgeous. For the people interested in SL Photography William Weaver has made 12 video tutorials. They are about using the Firestorm Viewer’s Photo and Camera Tools and controlling Windlight.

There is a well thought out design for these tools. The tutorial shown here shows how to take advantage of the tools and use them efficiently. Subsequent tutorials show how to use the various aspects of SL lighting to create great images.

Phototools Tutorial: 01 – Interface Introduction

This is a 4-year old starting tutorial giving an overview of the Photo Tools. The tutorials advance over those 4-years to the 12th tutorial streamed live a week ago.

Note: 2020-05 – Some of these tutorials were taken down then later put back, and now some are ‘private’. It seems to be changing. I can’t predict which will appear and which will disappear. Good luck.

I’ve covered some of these as individual tutorials over the years.

William Weaver also has a Flickr channel plus, a marketplace store, and additional art is on Issuu. Numerous SL bloggers have covered his art at various times.

Second Life: Strange Windlight Setting

Kitsune Shan has an interesting video on Facebook. LINK – WordPress doesn’t know what to do with Facebook video… there is probably a plugin… But… I’m not into that today.

Strange Windlight Setting
Strange Windlight Setting

I found it was hard to see the Windlight settings in Kitsume’s video. I had to do some clicking to get to where I could read them. So, this picture will make it a bit easier. (Right-click and Open Link in New Tab) Mine is not an exact copy of hers. I was using sliders and watching the image. There are a lot of possibilities.