Flickr Changes 2022

Today I saw a new thread on the Second Life Forum: flickr updates TOS… [sic] by JeromFranzic. So… what did they do?

I read a lot of the thread, its about 8 pages as I write this. But, the actual changes weren’t posted in the thread. So I went looking for them. The blog Glamour Sause posted New Rules at Flickr – What can you do? by Kess Crystal. She has a good take on what is happening.

The Email Notice… ?

Flickr has sent out an email. It doesn’t really notify you of the change. There is what I thought was a promo splash, Flickr Forever. But, no it is an article about a TOS change and more limits on Free Accounts.

The changes affect only those of us using a free account. The big changes are;

  • No Moderate or Restricted level images
  • Only 50 private images.
  • Only Safe accounts – if your account is rated Moderate or Restricted by Flickr you have a problem. Click for how to fix it.
Continue reading Flickr Changes 2022

Flickr Migration?

I think all the SL peeps using Flickr know it has major policy changes coming in January. A good summary of the problem is Ciaran Laval’s article, Flickr Flounders.

Follow me on Instagram, I'm following back
Follow me on Instagram, I’m following back

Others are writing about the coming changes. Strawberry Singh has an article on alternative sharing sites, Flickr Updates & Alternatives November 2018. She is polling readers to see which alternatives we plan to use. The article has an update, scroll down to see it. In it she points out that she added Ello and Imgur at reader request. They were originally omitted because Strawberry doubts a community could be built using either. Continue reading Flickr Migration?

Second Life Bits 2018 w07

Dance – Crap Mariner has an article about dance in the One Billion Rising event. You’ll find it on Inara’s blog: Who Puts the Dance into One Billion Rising? Long, interesting.

Happy Valentine
Happy Valentine

Restarts – When the simulators are restarted it usually takes just a few hours. Some are experiencing way long times for restarts. Caleb Linden is looking into it. If you have specific information on a long restart, email it to Caleb or file a JIRA Bug Report and mention Caleb’s name.

Interesting – There is a huge 220 page, and growing, thread in the SL Forum, How does your avatar look today? A resident by the name of Nostoll started the thread in May 2017. With about 26 posts per page that is almost 6,000 posts residents have made.

A variety of avatars are portrayed with varying quality. I suppose we could consider the images a representation of a cross-section of SL users. If that were accurate then we could draw conclusions from what see, like hardware in use and graphics settings, whether or not ALM is in use… Continue reading Second Life Bits 2018 w07

Second Life – Hot, Amazing, Gorgeous…

I like playing with photography in Second Life… second to dressing up and teasing others… well, maybe dressing up and shopping more than teasing. But, I’m often snapping pictures in SL, whatever I’m doing. Those pictures which I think are good enough, just fun, or show off a new thing I’ve learned, make to Flickr.

Dee Dee Deepdene – April 2017

On Flickr, I look around to see what others are doing. This is where the hot, amazing, and gorgeous comes in. Here I’ll show you some of the photographer-artists I’ve come across. Of course, these are ones I like. I use no objective standard. It’s just what touches, thrills, or wow’s me.

I do in a small measure consider the number of fav’s an image gets when deciding if it is great or I just my really liking it. But, I’ve seen some awesome images with almost no views or fav’s. So, the number of fav’s represents a mix of popularity and marketing. How many people see the image? Is the artist talented and understands social media well enough to promote an image?

The following images are not completely safe for work, no XXX, but some are definitely eroticContinue reading Second Life – Hot, Amazing, Gorgeous…

Did Photobucket Just Screw You?

An article about a change over at Photobucket just popped up in my news stream. Seems free Photobucket accounts can no longer embed images… you will have to pay for that privilege.

Photobucket – Stopping embedded image service – 2017

But, are they screwing you? No. They have given us free service for years and can no longer afford to do that. So, they have started charging for their service.

If you were/are a Photobucket (PB) user you probably didn’t worry much when you saw this post in PB’s blog.

At Photobucket, we are committed to providing the best experience and services for all of your photo and image needs. We have updated our Terms of Service, effective June 20, 2017. Please take a moment to review our updated terms and policies as they may affect your account.

Yeah… that’s a big effective warning. NOT! Like everyone reads ToS…

There is a longer more informative post here. Since these articles are not dated it is hard to know how much of the user base’s outrage is real and a response to fake-news. Continue reading Did Photobucket Just Screw You?

Second Life – The 360 Viewer – Add Image Metadata

Taking 360 images is way easier with the new RC viewer. But, figuring out what to do with the image so you can see it is a serious PITA. I’ll give you HOW TO using Photoshop, which is pretty painless, and several other easy ways to make the image usable as a 360-image. The process works in most of the Adobe tools that allow you to access File Info.

First here is my first snapshot with the new viewer.

sl360 Picture - RAW Image
sl360 Picture – RAW Image

It kinda subtle (not), but you might notice this isn’t displaying as a 360-image. The problem is the metadata Flickr needs to know this is a 360 image. It is missing. The Lab is adding that part of the viewer code now. So, the latest version of the Linden 360-Viewer as I write this is version It stiches the image together for us. But, does not yet add the needed metadata.  Continue reading Second Life – The 360 Viewer – Add Image Metadata

Tumbler – Flickr – ATT/Yahoo Email Users in Trouble – Take Action

Urgent! – Urgent! – Urgent!

Take action to save your Flickr account.

Dennyc commented (thanks) on my Flickr Sold article and pointed me to Flickr and Tumblr Users With AT&T Emails Are About to Lose Access to Their Accounts.

You may not have realized Yahoo and AT&T had, past tense, a close relationship. Yahoo was the mail service for AT&T customers. Yahoo allowed the AT&T address to be used as an ID for Yahoo services. Tumbler has been and is a subsidiary of Verizon. Now Flickr is too. Apparently, the email relationship for ID purposes is going away June 30… within 2+ days. Continue reading Tumbler – Flickr – ATT/Yahoo Email Users in Trouble – Take Action