Today I saw a new thread on the Second Life Forum: flickr updates TOS… [sic] by JeromFranzic. So… what did they do?
I read a lot of the thread, its about 8 pages as I write this. But, the actual changes weren’t posted in the thread. So I went looking for them. The blog Glamour Sause posted New Rules at Flickr – What can you do? by Kess Crystal. She has a good take on what is happening.
Flickr has sent out an email. It doesn’t really notify you of the change. There is what I thought was a promo splash, Flickr Forever. But, no it is an article about a TOS change and more limits on Free Accounts.
The changes affect only those of us using a free account. The big changes are;
- No Moderate or Restricted level images
- Only 50 private images.
- Only Safe accounts – if your account is rated Moderate or Restricted by Flickr you have a problem. Click for how to fix it.