Flickr Migration?

I think all the SL peeps using Flickr know it has major policy changes coming in January. A good summary of the problem is Ciaran Laval’s article, Flickr Flounders.

Follow me on Instagram, I'm following back
Follow me on Instagram, I’m following back

Others are writing about the coming changes. Strawberry Singh has an article on alternative sharing sites, Flickr Updates & Alternatives November 2018. She is polling readers to see which alternatives we plan to use. The article has an update, scroll down to see it. In it she points out that she added Ello and Imgur at reader request. They were originally omitted because Strawberry doubts a community could be built using either. Continue reading Flickr Migration?

Other News in Second Life

Talent, some we have in abundance in Second Life. I was hitting that ‘Next Unread Topic’ link in the forum and found My bad drawings of my worse avatars. This is a thread started in June 2017 and still running.

People draw a cartoon sort of caricature of their avatar and post both a picture of the avatar and the drawing. Kind of fun.

Thou Shall Not Pass
Thou Shall Not Pass – Nal: Figured this should be under TALENT

Linden Home Insurance – This was a big sale on Sunday, 4/1. It’s Never Been a Better Time to Be a Premium Member!

Belleza – A new update came out this month. Belleza bodies now have Bento hands, a better neck seam for Lelutka heads. Updates are being sent or get a redelivery. Read more here: Belleza’s Bento Update is here!

Slink – There is a version v8 of the Slink Dev Kit. There are only small fixes between the earlier March update, v6, and a day or two later v7 update. The v8 update has a newer male body. The changes are ease of use type changes. Have the Kit redelivered to get the new update.

The source file has not been renamed. So, you can use the link in the email you received in March. It still works. Or get a new a link from the Redelivery Terminal in the Slink main store. Only the files inside have changed.

SL Jobs – Hamlet at New World Notes in Virtual Job Hunting In Second Life About As Daunting As Job Hunting IRL  points us to Lexy Neven’s video HOW TO FIND A JOB IN SECOND LIFE (2018 UPDATE). This is all the basics a newbie would need to learn.

Wild Orchard – This designer has a load of EXPENSIVE gowns. BUT… there is a sale on. Marketplace only. Try Wild Orchard Clearance. L$89 to L$149. Some nice stuff.

The Making of… – I found this an interesting video. – Have no idea why this video only works as a link… :/

Natsumi Xenga is the artist. Her Flickr channel, PICSSR, and Google for all the other places her art pops up.

Second Life News 2018 w08

A day behind.


There was no roll of a new package to the main channel. It continues to run #

The three RC channels all updated to version # The changes in this version are listed in the Release Notes as: Internal fixes and Simulator logging improvements.

#167.. Can you ..
#167.. Can you ..

Since I was traveling to see friends I missed the Server and Scripting User Group meeting. It was at the meeting where we learned there is a change to fix a problem in the server that has been crashing viewers.

Seems the server has been sending malformed update data that kills the viewer. The Lindens believe the problem was a memory corruption problem. A server would work correctly right after being restarted and after some time start sending bad information. Inara published a quote of Simon Linden describing the problem. Continue reading Second Life News 2018 w08

Second Life: Finding Photos – How To

Writing a blog I think I need… want… interesting images. When I first started (2009 blogging), and talked to some of the better known bloggers for advice, Hamlet for one – so you can blame him to some little extent for me, they advised that each article have an image or two. So, I’ve done that… most of the time.

Cammino e Vivo Capovolto
Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

I find that if I am reading a blog and it has no image with an article I am much less interested. So, from advice and personal experience I include images.  Continue reading Second Life: Finding Photos – How To

Flickr: How to get more Views and Fav’s

I see that Hamlet posted a plea to Flickr users: Flickr PSA: Consider Making Your Images Embeddable! He doesn’t really help them understand the ‘how to’ or ‘what’s happening’ aspect of his plea to ‘share your images’. But, I have made the same plea and .


In August, I was challenged for using someone’s image and not previously asking. In response, I pointed out the terms of Flickr’s ToS. See: Flickr Sharing vs All Rights Reserved. If someone REALLY doesn’t want their image on my blog, I’ll take it off. It is a matter of asking. Otherwise, I go by Flickr’s ToS, at least as I understand it and Flickr has explained (see the Flickr Sharing article.). Continue reading Flickr: How to get more Views and Fav’s

Flickr Sharing vs All Rights Reserved

Rights management is complicated. Photo sharing sites are by necessity complicated. has made it as easy as possible to share and manage rights. But, people still mess up, authors and consumers. Especially in an age where people are moving fast and using technology to speed things up.

Nal's Flickr Channel August 2016
Nal’s Flickr Channel August 2016

A point in debate is whether an image placed on Flickr and marked All Rights Reserved can be shared. That is a different question from WHETHER it should be shared.  Continue reading Flickr Sharing vs All Rights Reserved

Photo No Longer Available – Flickr

I follow Dolls and Demons via Feedly. I adore the images Alles Klaar creates for her (I think her not his) blog. Today the article Escaping the Octopus has a Flickr image message rather than the intended image: This photo is no longer available. I was puzzled by its appearance as she is the owner of the blog and Flickr image. So, what happened?

Example image of Not Available.
Example image of Not Available.

Continue reading Photo No Longer Available – Flickr

Flickr Problems

I thought it may just be me, but Flickr is NOT working well this morning. It is behaving like I imagine it would if it were inside SL…

Ping to LA is 13ms, download 59mbps, and up 6.7mbps. The Flickr servers are in Lockport, NY, USA. According to Flickr they use Content Delivery Networks (CDN) (Reference), according to a book titled Photography Applications for Cloud Computing. So, testing to New York: 108ms, 29,5mbps down, 6.5mbps up. So, not a network issue.

You can report problems with web sites and see when they are having problems. For Flickr use: Flickr Down? According to them problems started about 10:20 AM EDT 9/24.