Flickr Sold

You may have heard Yahoo is failing. You may or may not know Flickr is owned by Yahoo. So… the sale will impact the large number of Second Life™ users you can find on Flickr. (Like me.)

The Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, that has lead Yahoo into a desperate sale in an attempt to survive and will likely walk away with US$137 million separation bonus for her failure to turn the company around.


It is only speculation to say what may have happened if someone else had been CEO. Nor is it possible to know what political in-fighting went on within the company and whether Marissa managed to fail on her own or was the sacrificial goat. What we know for certain is a lot of people do NOT like her.

Still, on June 14, the deal closed and Yahoo sold for US$4.48 billion. Continue reading Flickr Sold

Second Life at Flickr

I’m in my ninth year of exploring and playing in Second Life™. There are some things I think are still difficult to accomplish within the Second Life framework. One of those is finding interesting and beautiful places to visit, very much like real life. Another is meeting interesting people and being able to see them… not just look at them or see their ‘hello’ face, but seeing them in moments of their life. iRL that is usually only possible with close friends.

There is the Lab’s Destination Guide, web and in-viewer, and now Places Pages. Plus, a number of ‘travel’ blogs. They show us various places in Second Life. But, they still don’t do Second Life justice and it can be tedious going through those sources.


People… meeting interesting people is not really hard, there just isn’t any simple… fast… easy… ok, lazy way to do it. Well, like real life you can go to clubs and parties and join groups. Like iRL you can participate and meet participating people with similar interests. My point is you have to put out some energy and spend some time iRL or SL.

Flickr provides a bowl of vignettes of places and people. There the challenge is finding people that can see those places and moments and capture them. These are moments from SL. They are only clues to where you may find people or places in SL. But, Flickr is a rich source of people and places hidden by the nature of life and the virtual world  Continue reading Second Life at Flickr

Second Life: Finding Photographers

I keep looking for ways to find great photos of Second Life™ in Flickr. I am slowly learning how to find artists I have no clue exist.

Regrets in a lost world
Regrets in a lost world

I’ve been trying to see how one sees the new images in groups I have joined. I’ve Googled and dug through the Flickr HELP. No joy. People seem to think it is not possible. May be those that know how think it so basic everyone knows. Continue reading Second Life: Finding Photographers

Flickr Background & Profile Image Sizes

Controlling the image you have for a background in Flickr is a bit trick. I found it frustrating the last time I changed my background. I tried to sort it out again, as I wanted a new background. I did find a sizing that works.

Flickr Background Image Size

The complication in sizing this image is from Flickr needing to resize the image on the fly to fit various screens. Below a certain size, they stop displaying the image. My Android Samsung S5 is an example (I don’t use the Flickr app) of where it isn’t displayed. However, they do display the image on my iPad.

Flickr on iPad Screen

Whether profile or landscape, the iPad uses a 1024 x 768 display of the web page. Flickr does not resize (respond to the change) as you change from profile to landscape. At least my old iPad doesn’t. Continue reading Flickr Background & Profile Image Sizes

Discovering Flickr and Following Groups

I suspect most Second Life people know about Flickr. Lots of SL peeps use Flickr. However, I suspect few know how to find the awesome art that is appearing every day. I know it has taken me some time to realize how to find the awesome art.


There are people that mention artists and give you their names, Hamlet at New World Notes often features an artist. I do from time to time. Other bloggers do too. But, waiting on us to reveal those you think are awesome could be tedious. So, how do you find awesome Flickr artists to follow?  Continue reading Discovering Flickr and Following Groups

Second Life: Finding Photos – How To

Writing a blog I think I need… want… interesting images. When I first started (2009 blogging), and talked to some of the better known bloggers for advice, Hamlet for one – so you can blame him to some little extent for me, they advised that each article have an image or two. So, I’ve done that… most of the time.

Cammino e Vivo Capovolto
Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

I find that if I am reading a blog and it has no image with an article I am much less interested. So, from advice and personal experience I include images.  Continue reading Second Life: Finding Photos – How To

Flickr: How to get more Views and Fav’s

I see that Hamlet posted a plea to Flickr users: Flickr PSA: Consider Making Your Images Embeddable! He doesn’t really help them understand the ‘how to’ or ‘what’s happening’ aspect of his plea to ‘share your images’. But, I have made the same plea and .


In August, I was challenged for using someone’s image and not previously asking. In response, I pointed out the terms of Flickr’s ToS. See: Flickr Sharing vs All Rights Reserved. If someone REALLY doesn’t want their image on my blog, I’ll take it off. It is a matter of asking. Otherwise, I go by Flickr’s ToS, at least as I understand it and Flickr has explained (see the Flickr Sharing article.). Continue reading Flickr: How to get more Views and Fav’s