Sansar Forum… sort of. The big discussion there is how to stop people from making SL-Like-Name-Tags. It is surprising how many people are full on fascist-like in how they want to control others. How do we make everyone do it my way!?!
The forum is pretty badly formatted and awkward to read. The Lab is aware and plans to change it to something more ‘forum-like’. The change is not currently scheduled. (Reference) I mean… it isn’t like they have anything else to do…
Avatar Skeletons… As of July 6, 2017, there were no models or skeletons available. The Lab just isn’t there yet. (Reference) So, no avatars, no ‘rigged’ clothes. There are, however, Sansar Reference Avatar models.
The official instructions are here: Avatar attachments (accessories). This is what you want to read if you are just trying to figure out how to make an attachment. I had to experiment to see how this works in Blender.
The female avatar has 24,000+ faces in the body and 9,000+ in the head-neck for about 34,000 total. The SL Avatar has about 7,000+. Continue reading →
You’ve visited Sansar and gone Atlas Hopping with Drax. So, you know how to walk and get around. What about the building tools?
Start with Managing your Scenes and Experiences to understand how your ‘region’ will be made public and allow others in. In Second Life™ we change settings to keep people out. In Sansar, we change settings to let people in. I suppose that difference has profound philosophical design implications…
Sansar has a My Experiences App. At first, I thought this was something else to download. It isn’t. The app is built into the main viewer, which consists of an update app, a login app, and the viewer app that chain together to look like a single app.
There are also tutorials or an online manual here: Creating in Sansar. I’ll point out people are asking me how to build in Sansar. I am curious too. Google was not helping. The pages I list here are not coming up in Google, which explains a lot of the problem. Oddly they pop up first in Bing and Yahoo searches. For those tired of censored search content and user tracking, there is always, where Sansar searches also work. Continue reading →