They published the general development roadmap (sort of): Coming Soon to Sansar – Upcoming Releases.
A development roadmap lists those things that the developers actually plan to develop. The ‘map’ part denotes the order in which they will develop them. The Lindens did include that information. But, there isn’t much.
Development Road Maps generally extend beyond the next two updates. I don’t really see that in this ‘map’. So, it is a short highway. One doesn’t go far before hitting the ‘under construction’ signs and finds the road closed.
The ‘Discovery’ update will include;
- A searchable Atlas
- Improved desktop-mode features, like being able to pick things up
Following Discovery will be a ‘Friends’ update, sounds like a cross between SL’s What’s Hot, Events, better Help, and people search.
Then they say… ‘more to come’. Well Duh! Continue reading Sansar Did What?