In case there is ANYONE in Second Life™ that doesn’t know what Copybot Viewers are, they are viewers made from the open source viewers, Linden and third-party, that have been altered to ignore Permissions. A person can use them to download ANYTHING… ANYTHING in Second Life.
There are hot issues in SL that carry loads of emotional energy. The issue of content theft, copyboting, is one of them.
At the last Content Creation UG meeting the subject of content theft, what the Lab does about it, and what CAN be done about it came up. It was a surprisingly calm and somewhat intelligent conversation. Still, the resident thief really annoyed me. Listen/watch the video. (60+ minutes) There are time marks for the various topics in the index below (last page) if you want to find just the juicy parts.
This video is from the last few minutes of Content Creation UG meeting of June 27, 2017. It then contuse for another 45+ minutes after the meeting.
The subject of content theft came up when Brooke Barmy asked the question,
“What is being done about the increase in marketplace copybot accounts, the reasoning behind not banning on the first offense, the reasoning behind not IP banning and the reasoning behind not taking [confiscating] the money back to Linden Lab? Continue reading