On the 22nd there was a Web Users’ UG meeting. I missed it. But, Grumpity Linden posted a list of Marketplace fixes, Recent Marketplace Deploys.
![Once Upon A Dream](https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1848/44292654662_03bbdba71e.jpg)
You may have astutely noticed that we had released a number of changes to the Marketplace recently. Some of them were unintentional (more on that below), but here’s the good stuff:
- Gift email was missing if the gift message was blank. Everyone should get a gift email!
- Residents with the last name Resident couldn’t leave product reviews. That was bad, and is fixed.
- Character count of product description included newlines and so was obviously wrong. Righted that wrong.
- Favorites which are no longer available are now marked as such, and can all be removed with a single click
- Email changes on SL now propagate to the Marketplace.
- Allow merchants to choose to list multiple “Custom Avatar Brand Names”
- Retain “Sort By” preferences between pages and sessions. Makes sense.
- You can now remove items from the Related Items popup.
- It’s “Land Impact” not “Prim Count”
- The Mesh Quiz is a thing of the past. It will stay in the past, but will surely live on in our memories.
But wait, there’s more! Coming soon: Wish Lists, Favorite Sellers, Autocomplete brand names, Fix for BUG-225307 (Related inactive items) , Fix for BUG-225309 (Sorting bug)
These are all welcome fixes.