Today I see the Lindens are featuring a Drax video on SL’s Insilico (URL Destination Guide – This lands one at the OLD main landing point.) in Destinations. I personally thought the video fell far short of portraying Insilico as the amazing build that it is. But, Insilico has lost its awesome. It is no longer the amazing build of perspective and scale illusions of the Skills Hax days (2015 and before). So, Drax made the best of what is left.
Drax made a video in 2015 that does a better depiction of Insilico… abet, as it was.
In 2016 it was thought Insilico would close. See my Insilico Update – The LONG Story. Things worked out and Insilico is still around but without Skills Hax.
In SL search there are a number of links (7) into Insilico. Checking them and the older LM’s I have I find most are useless. I would say this is the primary Insilico Cyberpunk Roleplay LM (SLURL). The SURL in the Destinations article is pretty lame and totally inadequate when one considers they were promoting roleplay. However, land there and hang out, you will get you a link in local chat to the Cyberpunk RP location. Now if one just notices it….
- Insilico East – Ground level (27m), middle of nowhere.
- Insilico SE – Ground level, inside something amount abandoned looking facilities.
- Insilico South – Ground Level, again middle of nowhere.
- Insilico Cyberpunk Roleplay – Altitude 522m, This is the welcome area and teleport hub.
- Insilico SE Cyberpunk Roleplay – This is the same as Insilico SE.
- InSilico South Cyberpunk Roleplay – Altitude 3,601m, somewhere in the city. Nothing informative.
- Insilico – Ground Level (26m), out by a big primed. Nothing much around. Looks neat but is mostly empty on the inside.
Not too long ago any teleport into Insilico landed you in a welcome area with teleports and some explanation of what Insilico is. My old LM’s pop me into mid-air locations…. Aaaa… falling…. I had to go through the 7 LMs revealed in search to find the welcome area. Yeah… I missed the link given in chat until a later visit.
There are a dozen plus Insilico groups; INSILICO HISPANIA, Insilico No Ninkyo Dantai, INSILICO Underground, … and about a dozen more. Search on Insilico. All of these comes up.
Insilico has a website. It is out of date, 2017 and 2018 stuff. They have a photo group on Flickr (mostly NSFW). There is some gorgeous photography and it is recent. I suspect you’ll wonder if some of the images were taken in Second Life, I did. But those I checked gave their location as Insilico.
The Insilico shopping area is much smaller than it used to be. Of the former 4-levels of shops, one level remains and it isn’t full. Shopping remains strongly cyberpunk/SciFi with Gaves having a good sized store. Last time I looked through Graves’ stuff they hadn’t really moved into the era of mesh bodies. Lots of cyberpunk style completely replaces the body, classic or mesh. So, not targeting mesh bodies is not that big a deal.
The Insilico you teleport into from the Destination Guide and Featured article is at about 3,600m. More interesting parts of the build are at 1,575±m. All you have to do is figure out how to get into those areas. This is the Mars outpost area. I didn’t find any teleports or transports to this level just wondering around. I’ll admit it was getting tedious trying to figure out what was happening and I was giving up. That is when I decided to try all the LMs returned by search.
In the Mars area, the inside of the buildings reminds me of Star Citizen. These are some fairly impressive builds. There are some small crawl ways you cannot walk through. I don’t understand their purpose. A 5-10 (172cm) woman can‘t get through them.
Mars seems to be the more active roleplay. There is an RP meter named I1. I think that stands for Insilico One. It is free. You find it at the Insilico Cyberpunk Roleplay (ICR) location. I couldn’t figure out how to get registered. I couldn’t get past my seral number… (I have a serial number? When did I get that?) and the reg process hung there. So, I never got the meter to work.
There is an SL Experience involved, NeoShoda Experience. For the teleports in the hub to work, you have to accept it. When you teleport you land beside some Welcome Center terminals that teleport you back to the ICR hub. I hadn’t noticed these before.
Insilico has a transit system, a car rental… It doesn’t seem to help you figure out where to go… just cruse around, I guess.
Insilico is not the amazing build of perspective and scale it once was. There is plenty to explore. The Flickr channel shows there is lots to photograph. My hints here should lead to you more hidden locations.
I think the Linden feature was poorly done. Drax did his usual good job, considering what he had to work with. But, the feature should have used the link to the roleplay hub.