There are neat places in SL. A few are cute or have cuddly animals. But, I stumbled on D-Lab searching for helicopters and they are over the top cute. They have an adorable little 2-seater helicopter that I saw near an airport. I tracked down the creator and found D-Lab’s Skyshop.
Most of the stuff in the image they have for sale. Much of the really cute stuff is only visible inside the chop. They sorta have two showrooms. The fun stuff is in the shop shown above, the Skyshop.
Exploring you’ll find places where they have cute stashed around the build. Since this is a build in the sky, this little piggy has obviously learned to fly.
And they have a video security system with an alert guard.
The store is full of cute stuff. I found something fun at each turn.
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You might notice the flying giraffe. Like many of the other cute flying critters and characters, they have a poop option. O.O In California we live around lots of poopy seagulls, which makes me glad giraffes don’t fly in RL.
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