I see that Hamlet posted a plea to Flickr users: Flickr PSA: Consider Making Your Images Embeddable! He doesn’t really help them understand the ‘how to’ or ‘what’s happening’ aspect of his plea to ‘share your images’. But, I have made the same plea and .
In August, I was challenged for using someone’s image and not previously asking. In response, I pointed out the terms of Flickr’s ToS. See: Flickr Sharing vs All Rights Reserved. If someone REALLY doesn’t want their image on my blog, I’ll take it off. It is a matter of asking. Otherwise, I go by Flickr’s ToS, at least as I understand it and Flickr has explained (see the Flickr Sharing article.).
Hamlet is pointing out that not all Flickr sharing is equal. He has run into the difficulty I wrote about in February 2016: Photo No Longer Available – Flickr. Some artists/authors limit how their work can be shared. As I pointed out in Flickr Sharing and more explicitly in No Longer how you share makes a difference.
Hamlet flatly states sharing will get you more views. When I tried to collect stats to prove that point, or the opposite, I couldn’t conclusively come up with the stats. I, like all of us, have limited access to Flickr stats. But, the idea image sharing will get you more views is intuitive and reasonable, IMO.
To Allow
So, in your Flickr account open Privacy & Permissions. The control is named: Allow others to share your stuff? Enable sharing. Flickr/Yahoo shows how to ‘embed’ in Embed Your Flickr Photos but, they don’t mention you also need to enable sharing.
The embed code is a bit complex for those of us using it. But, we only have to copy-paste it into our blogs so, it is easy to do. The code, shown below, presents an image as also shown below.
<a data-flickr-embed="true" href="https://www.flickr.com/" title="Guardian"> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5717/31055372606_1e4ce6ea51.jpg" width="500" height="258" alt="Guardian"></a> <script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I tweak the code to use WordPress formatting. I’ve modified the CSS of my blog to adjust WordPress formatting to the theme. So, I enclose the code in some WordPress code:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] …Flickr code goes here… [/caption]
Enclosing the image in a caption presents it as you see it in to opening picture at the top.
There are a lot of gorgeous images I never show as the author has SHARING turned off.
Oddly, some people producing product promotional pieces turn off sharing on those images… Why? Don’t they want those shown everywhere possible?
If you want more people to see your images, I suggest you enable SHARING.