Talent, some we have in abundance in Second Life. I was hitting that ‘Next Unread Topic’ link in the forum and found My bad drawings of my worse avatars. This is a thread started in June 2017 and still running.
People draw a cartoon sort of caricature of their avatar and post both a picture of the avatar and the drawing. Kind of fun.
Linden Home Insurance – This was a big sale on Sunday, 4/1. It’s Never Been a Better Time to Be a Premium Member!
Belleza – A new update came out this month. Belleza bodies now have Bento hands, a better neck seam for Lelutka heads. Updates are being sent or get a redelivery. Read more here: Belleza’s Bento Update is here!
Slink – There is a version v8 of the Slink Dev Kit. There are only small fixes between the earlier March update, v6, and a day or two later v7 update. The v8 update has a newer male body. The changes are ease of use type changes. Have the Kit redelivered to get the new update.
The source file has not been renamed. So, you can use the link in the email you received in March. It still works. Or get a new a link from the Redelivery Terminal in the Slink main store. Only the files inside have changed.
SL Jobs – Hamlet at New World Notes in Virtual Job Hunting In Second Life About As Daunting As Job Hunting IRL points us to Lexy Neven’s video HOW TO FIND A JOB IN SECOND LIFE (2018 UPDATE). This is all the basics a newbie would need to learn.
Wild Orchard – This designer has a load of EXPENSIVE gowns. BUT… there is a sale on. Marketplace only. Try Wild Orchard Clearance. L$89 to L$149. Some nice stuff.
The Making of… – I found this an interesting video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6TX86uCOsw – Have no idea why this video only works as a link… :/
Natsumi Xenga is the artist. Her Flickr channel, PICSSR, and Google for all the other places her art pops up.
Slink developer kit is v9 now with avatars in T pose for Marvelous Designer, and “petite” added to the female body kit.