Slink Leaves Second Life

As of January 1, 2023, the Slink brand of bodies and clothes is closed. Short notice. Siddean Munro announced the closure January 1 effective immediately.

For many of us this is a big deal. I am a Slink fan girl. I love my Redux Original body. AKA the Physique body. It is my everyday body. And when I make clothes, I make them for Slink.

The reasons for Siddean deciding to close are given on her company’s blog: Slink is closing – 1-1-2023 (PDF version of the page).

Slink Closing

I appreciate Siddean and her contributions to the Second Life community. I believe her bodies have always been and are the technological leaders in the field. There is no technically better body.

I am saddened by the closing and to learn of the stresses in Siddean’s life. I wish her and her’s the best.

While I have not been paying a lot of attention to other bodies, I have from time to time looked at them and played with demos. The leader in the field is unquestionably Maitreya. I have Maitreya demos. I do not like the body because of how the shoulders are made and how the joints animate. Both are deal breakers for me.

So, now I will be looking at alternatives. While I had been thinking of a change to Cinn & Chai they are part of the Slink empire that is closing. That idea is out. But I am glad I purchased Cinn & Chai during the recent sale.

I suppose I may do reviews of the various bodies as I look at them. But there is no rush. The Slink bodies will continue to work for years to come. And there is a huge inventory of clothes for the Slink bodies. While few designers are designing for Slink these days, and the number is likely to decrease, there are numerous designers designing for Slink and lots of clothes for Slink. I know I bought over 150 new dresses and other clothes in 2022. So, no need for immediate change.

Time marches on…

Protesting in Second Life

Hamlet has run a couple of articles about fat chicks protesting a store with the sign ‘No Fat Chicks’. (Link) Everyone commenting seems to think this is a serious ‘body shaming’ issue.

Hamlet made an effort to avoid promoting the store with The Sign, ‘No Fat Chicks’. But, the brand name is visible in the images he used so it doesn’t take long to figure out which store is being talked about, Back to Graceful.

The Protest

It is hard to tell how the protest is going. Hamlet saw a bunch of people protesting. This morning there are 2 and they show as AFK. I suppose protests are boring…

Reading the articles and the follow-on comments, no one talks about basic principles or philosophical ideals. Seems most espouse narcissistic arrogance, situational ethics, and personal preferences. Protesters never seem overly bright to me. Emotional, yes. Activists seem to hold the brain trust. But, what’s the difference? Continue reading

Second Life Bits 2017 w09


It still isn’t open – 3/3 @ 11 AM SLT/PT.

Update – As many of you have noticed, the Community migration is taking a bit longer than planned. As you might imagine there’s a lot of complexity in the structure; and because we strive to preserve all of the KB, Blogs, Forums, Answers etc as they were, we’re being extra careful in verifying everything is in order. Linden Lab is actively engaged with the new provider to get the new site up and running as soon as possible. We know it’s a frustrating wait, and appreciate your patience during this disruption.
Mar 2, 14:58 PST

Hopefully they didn’t hire the same people that built the Obama-care sites. Since it is behind schedule, I would assume someone will be working on it this weekend. But, I doubt it will be open before Monday… if then.

Everheart 4

Everheart 4

Uber Event

The crowd at Uber (Maps URL) is thinning out. Today at 11:00 AM SLT/PT, there were only 30 people there. So, it is much easier to get in. Continue reading

Misunderstanding the Second Life Lindex

A lot was written a few weeks ago about the instability in the Second Life™ Lindex. Darrius Gothly wrote: The Math Behind the LindeX. It has enough misconceptions I am moved to provide a counter point and more accurate information.

Marionette - 3

Marionette – 3

I’m moved to do it at this time because of a recent post in the forum. Some one thought selling L$ at L$265/US$1  on July 29 was setting the price to high… high!?! No that is pretty low, for a seller.  Continue reading

Now in Stock – The Trick to Buying it NOW



I’ve got to tell you about a great site I learned about. It is so handy. Love it.

In the process of building my new computer I hit a purchasing problem. As I often buy things from eBay I’ve become accustomed to knowing when I can get an item. Things are ‘Buy It Now’ or the remaining time in the auction shows. I can control my wait time. But, getting a GTX1060 was proving to be a problem.  Continue reading

New Penny Patton Shapes Released

I like a lot of the work that Penny does with getting regions and avatars scaled to realistic proportions. So, when I saw that she had released new shapes I wanted to check them out. She has a blog article about them here: More Vitruvian Shapes!

The picture is one she made to show the difference between the Linden Made Shapes and the to-scale-shapes she makes and recommends.

Free Second Life Shapes

New Vitruvian Shapes by Penny Patton

You can find Penny’s Market Place here. The Vitruvian Shapes discussed are here. And the cost is: L$0, which you can’t beat.  Continue reading

Hair Fair 2011

No server updates last week. No Mesh meeting this week. So, I went down to the Hair Fair. That was an expensive adventure. But, the prices are amazing and most vendors are contributing 50% of the cost to Wigs for Kids, a worthy cause. Stop by and donate even if you don’t buy anything.

Hair Fair 2011

Getting In

The Hair Fair is popular. Lots of people are going. Especially as they learn about the prices. So, getting in can be a problem, lots of server full messages. There is a way around that problem. Open the World Map and search for Iridium. You’ll see four regions that are obviously related; Osmium, Rhodium, Iridium, and Platinum. Find one of those areas with the fewest people and TP in there.  Any area with less than 45 people will probably let you in.

Continue reading

Second Life Buying Eyes & Lashes Tutorial

SL Eye Lashes

Second Life Eye Lashes - #1

This is a tutorial about knowing enough about eyes and lashes in Second Life to know what you are buying. Hopefully enough to avoid getting ripped off. This is not about how to make them.

I’ve run into problems buying lashes. I’ve found it very frustrating. May be this will save you some frustration and Lindens. You may also find there are some eye-lash types out you didn’t know about.

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