Ebbe Interview August 2015

Ebbe Altberg, the Linden Lab CEO, has given another interview. Jo Yardley’s article Upload VR interviews Ebbe Altberg about SL and Sansar in a rather lovely setting is where I first saw mention of it.


Jo thinks liking the setting of the interview is on the ‘shallow’ side… the woman actually has some depth, so I suspect by her standards it might seem that way.

The video is 29 minutes. Sound is weak. The YouTube transcript is weak too. As Jo says there is not much to learn that we don’t already know.

Ebbe describes SL as the leader in user created virtual experiences.

He describes Sansar as a parallel universe to Second Life.

He says they are a couple of weeks away from letting in a few test users in to create content. Then add a few users under NDA and grow that to a hundred or so over the rest of 2015. May be have a 1.0 out by the end of 2016.

Update – PS: Be sure to check out Ciaran’s article on the interview: Project Sansar Buzz Appears To Be Launching The Second Life Of Second Life.

Second Life & Sansar in the News

Massively Overpowered (MO) posted: These Are The Companies That Are Trying To Build The Metaverse. While Linden Lab (214+ employees) is mentioned so is their competition; Altspace VR (20± employees), Facebook, and High Fidelity (). It seems Comcast and the Japanese company Tencent are investing in Altspace.

{ Down in the holler }

Down in the holler

Palmer Luckey is mentioned as talking about it being harder to abusive in VR than in the current 3D virtual worlds we have now. MO doesn’t exactly point us to where it is Palmer is talking. But, their article is inspired by an article on Re/code and they quote Palmer, “Virtual reality will make it a lot harder to be a total dick to somebody online.” Re/code says Philip Rosedale, co-founder of Second Life™ and CEO of High Fidelity, agrees.  Continue reading

Sansar in Entertainment News

Jo Yardley is pointing us to an article about Project Sansar that appeared in Variety. Variety magazine, according to Wikipedia, was a weekly magazine published from the East Coast covering entertainment. In 1933 they started also publishing a daily from the West Coast. Of course they have an online version.

und wenn ich für euch fliegen muss...♥

und wenn ich für euch fliegen muss…♥
and if I have to fly for you … ♥

Jo thinks this is great coverage for Sansar and Second Life. See: Variety writes about Project Sansar. She works with entertainment people from time to time helping them get their period pieces historically correct. So, she may know something or maybe it’s just she likes the people in the industry.  Continue reading

Project Sansar Instancing

Ciaran has the article Project Sansar To Offer Instancing And Perhaps A Different Approach To Branding Experiences posted. Ciaran has put together a set of clues and come to a conclusion. His reasoning seems plausible. So, what is instancing?

Song To The Siren (Sail To me)

Ciaran gives a quick answer. I’ll go a bit deeper. First let’s look at how Second Life™ works. We have a region running in a server. Technically we may have more than one region running in a server, but for our purposes here I’ll ignore that aspect.  Continue reading

A bigger SANSAR Update

Zarrakan Productions put out a video of a meeting with Danger Linden, Drax, Safia W., and Troy Linden. Much of the discussion is about Sansar and what Linden Lab is doing. Below is the video and my summary of it.

As usual, I paraphrase. Listen/watch the video for better context and exact wording.

Content starts at Tme Mark (TM) 03:42. Introductions and how Danger and Troy came to Second Life and some of their work history.

Danger was Senior Product Manager for Sansar but is now 100% with SL. Troy is a Senior Producer, a product owner. I am still not clear on how much of his time is with Sansar or SL.

8:10 – Sansar started from almost scratch.  Continue reading

Project Sansar Update

Indigo Mertel caught an article titled: Second Life Creator Linden Lab Prepares To Test Parallel VR Universe.  There are some new bits of information about Project Sansar, aka Second Life 2.0. A quick summary of the new information follows:

Linden Lab plans to have testers in Sansar starting the end of July, 2015.

Sansar runs at 75 frames per second (FPS) and will run at 90 FPS to meet the expected Oculus Rift requirements.

The Long Walk

The Long Walk by Carthalis Rossini, on Flickr

First one into the new world will by handpicked, skilled creators.

Additional beta testers will be invited into Sansar the first half of 2016.

A Sansar version 1.0 will be ready by the end of 2016.

Continue reading

Second Life: Eclipse Magazine

Second Life™ has a collection of publishers with some interesting magazines. These tend to be online magazines. Eclipse Magazine is one. It is an interesting collection of information and opinions. The June issues is here: ECLIPSE Magazine June 2015.

Eclipse Magazine - June 2015

Eclipse Magazine – June 2015

This issue features Draxtor Despres as a Second Life evangelist… well, that is accurate use of the word, but I hadn’t thought of using the word with the name Drax. The article is kind to Drax, deservedly so, and I think may give one a new take on Drax. See page 42.

A section of the magazine is named Voices from the Grid. The section is described as a monthly survey of the ideas and opinions of SL residents on salient issues. Page 57.

Phoenix Welles, Tymmerie Throne, me: Nalates Urriah, Sands Leavitt, and Gorgeous Yongho (Juicy Bomb). We talk about what we hope and think Project SANSAR will produce. And did you know SANSAR is the Sanskrit word for LIFE?  Continue reading