Ebbe Altberg, the Linden Lab CEO, has given another interview. Jo Yardley’s article Upload VR interviews Ebbe Altberg about SL and Sansar in a rather lovely setting is where I first saw mention of it.
Jo thinks liking the setting of the interview is on the ‘shallow’ side… the woman actually has some depth, so I suspect by her standards it might seem that way.
The video is 29 minutes. Sound is weak. The YouTube transcript is weak too. As Jo says there is not much to learn that we don’t already know.
Ebbe describes SL as the leader in user created virtual experiences.
He describes Sansar as a parallel universe to Second Life.
He says they are a couple of weeks away from letting in a few test users in to create content. Then add a few users under NDA and grow that to a hundred or so over the rest of 2015. May be have a 1.0 out by the end of 2016.
Update – PS: Be sure to check out Ciaran’s article on the interview: Project Sansar Buzz Appears To Be Launching The Second Life Of Second Life.