Unheard RL News

Every so often my irritation with the news media boils over. This is one of the cases that blatantly exposes there is some agenda in the mainstream media. Whatever you may decide it is, it isn’t about saving the planet.

Rainforest Light and Shadow
Rainforest Light and Shadow

You’ll already know many think/believe Anthropomorphic Global Warming is a foregone factual conclusion and everyone agrees it is a HUGE problem. You know, 97% of scientists agree… Whether it is or not, of note is the father of the American Warming side of the debate, James Hansen, has just written an article on Renewable Energy you’ll likely never hear talked about by mainstream media

If you bother to read the article, Thirty years later, what needs to change in our approach to climate change – Boston Globe – June 27, 2018, you might think Hansen worked for President Trump. Whaaat!?! Continue reading Unheard RL News

Mystery Booms and Bangs Around the World

I am curious. So, my interests are wide ranging. For years I’ve heard of unexplained booms and UFOs. (Now renamed Anomalous Aerial Vehicles – AAVs.) But, I have yet to find people providing realistic explanations or even good evidence. So, it is easy write these reports off as part of the conspiracy crowd’s enchantment. But, good evidence is mounting. Mostly due to the proliferation of cameras and microphones around the world.

The number of booms reported and RECORDED is increasing. So, something is making noise. Booms are common in SoCal. We have Camp Pendleton and their artillery practice. But, that doesn’t explain it for most of the world nor even all the booms in SoCal. The marines do not practice every day.

This is one of the more ‘reasonable’ sounding videos proclaiming we do not know. However, if one looks at the collection of videos posted in this channel… if your skepticism doesn’t jump to the red zone, you you likely should be classed as gullible.   Continue reading Mystery Booms and Bangs Around the World

Facebook and Free Speech, Done?

Facebook has abandoned the ideas of free speech and diversity of thought. We know that from a recent speech given at a publishing and technology conference by Campbell Brown, Facebook official. He announced FB would be censoring news based on its internal biases.

Would they really do that? What might they decide to censor? Well, measured usage statics from numerous sites and sources show they already are and what they are censoring. Thinking is, FB is just getting started.

All Hail the King
All Hail the King

A good report on what is happening data-wise is on the hardest hit site, The Gateway Pundit’s coverage Zuckerberg’s Announcement.

The new media site The Outline started the reporting on the impact of Facebook’s changes. Once people started realizing how pervasive the impact is the excitement started. Continue reading Facebook and Free Speech, Done?

Second Life Bits and Pieces 2018 w01

Crap. I’m coming down with a cold… sniffle, sniffle, hack, hack… need more chocolate. So, I’m browsing through the Second Life™ related blogs finding things I think are neat.


Strawberry Singh has a nice article up titled 10 Years of Second Life Fashion. Damn. She has always looked good.

10 Years of Second Life Fashion
10 Years of Second Life Fashion

Click the image and jump over to Flickr. Read the comments. Check out her albums.

…and you do know she does videos from Sansar? HMSS Videos


Sansar News Blog has the article, Special Torley-Inspired Scavenger Hunt Edition of Atlas Hopping with Berry and Drax, Saturday, January 6th at 11 a.m. PST. Yeah, that whole thing is the title.

Seems Torley is connecting with Drax and Strawberry to pursue a hunt in Sansar. I suspect they will be streaming it to YouTube. Continue reading Second Life Bits and Pieces 2018 w01

An Interesting Take on Science

Are constants constant? Is science dogmatic?

I think this is an interesting video that highlights the closed-mindedness of humans.

I hadn’t realized Metrology is the science of weights and measures. I find it surprising that with evidence of change pouring in they aren’t at least curious. Continue reading An Interesting Take on Science

The Challenge of the Ignorant

Hamlet has an article about those that think Linden Lab® stopped updating Second Life™ and that the recent announcement of ‘millions’ being invested in Second Life this coming year is proof Sansar is failing and the Lab is ‘desperately’ returning to support SL. (Reference)

If you follow Second Life’s development news, this probably sounds ridiculous. It is.

‘Trust me… SL is dying… horribly… heheheha’

But, I see this idea, that development of Second Life has stopped, coming up in several places. August 1, Cindy Kraai posted Will LL have any plans upgrading SL after Sansar beta? Cindy has been around since May 2010, that’s 7+ years. Yet, she has no clue what is happening with Second Life development. Reading through the thread I find the amount of misinformation and ignorance amazing, not surprising.

Then there are those that are so sorry for poor newbies that have no money ($L). (Reference) They feel these newbies should somehow be helped. You see people quickly divide into the victim (or the ‘they’ are victims you [, not me] have to do something) versus self-reliant (DIY) groups on this subject. Continue reading The Challenge of the Ignorant

How to Save a Digital Copy of Your Soul…

That is a ‘double take’ inspiring line. For a couple of days, people have been writing about M.I.T.’s project to make digital copies of people that can look and speak like the person. Of course, it is hype based people’s curiosity.

M.I.T. has developed an amalgam of technology that allows the creation of an avatar that looks and sounds like a specific person. (Example) But, that is about it.

See Technology Review’s How to Save Your Digital Soul.

From CG Cookie Tutorial – Click

Second Life has been doing the ‘looks’ part for years. The voice part is new tech. Prior voice imitation was about almost only pitch and word speed. The new tech controls pronunciation, word choice, cadence, and the other factors that make voices recognizable as a specific person. The idea is to have more AI interacting with people. Sort of a replacement for customer service people.

In psychology, the idea of the soul is self-aware life. Figuring these things out gets complicated because we can’t know what another person experiences. There is the challenge of whether the color you perceive as red is the same perception I have.

All your life you have looked at a color people call red. So, you too call it red. We can measure the frequency of the color we all agree is red. The color-blind show us that we are not all perceiving the color the same. For me, there is a huge difference between a bright green and bright red. That isn’t true for the color-blind, as the colors are nearly the same.

We can’t know what color others actually perceive. So, how do we know when another person or creature is self-aware? Are animals self-aware? If so, do they have souls?

Some concepts are just hard to define.