Slink Hotfix Release

Today Slink has released an update to their release of last week. Apparently, somebody found a bug… or two. Probably Whirly… Whatever, Siddeon released the fix and a bit of an upgrade. I got mine today. So, I have a new body for the new year.

The upgrade is the addition of a magnifying glass to make setting the upper body alphas easier.

Slink HUD Version 3.01 – New magnifier open

Visit the Slink store (URL) and click the update kiosk to get your new update.

Obviously, the HUD updates. Many of the parts of the package have new version numbers. So, I’m replacing everything. I updated my nude body outfit using the new stuff. I think I had only made one outfit using the 3.00 version. But, I have a ton of outfits made using v2.8.  Continue reading

Second Life: Updated Slink Bodies

Today I got a notice that Slink updated their Physique, Hourglass, and Male Physique bodies. The update is free. Visit the store and click the Re-delivery terminal. You’ll be sent to a web page with a list of the Slink things you have purchased.

You’ll get a new copy of your Slink body. I was using a body labeled v2.8 and a HUD labeled v2.7. They say this new body is compatible will all the stuff I bought for Slink so far.

The biggest visual changes are in the HUD. It is now 4 panels instead of the single panel with everything in one place. There is now a panel for; Alpha, Layers, Skin, and Effects.

Slink Body v3 – New HUD – Alpha

There are several changes and additions. The big change is in alpha layers. How the body areas are divided up for masking is a bit different. I am undecided if it is better. It looks like it may be. I’ve had a number of problems trying to mask the previous body to work well with mesh clothes. Backless and open sided dress were a pain.  Continue reading

Second Life: Why No Mod?

Penny Patton has a post in the SL Forum titled, Why No Mod? She is finding a lot of the stuff being sold these days is no mod. She apparently finds it as annoying as I do. But, Penny does a good job of explaining why mesh things should be Mod-OK.

Why No-Mod Stuff

There is a good discussion in the thread, still short. Most are in support of Mod-OK items. No-Mod demos are understandable and most have no problems with demos being No-Mod.  Continue reading

Second Life: Project Bento goes GOLD

This morning about 11:30 AM The Lindens announced Project Bento is now live. The main Linden viewer has updated to include Bento. Firestorm has talked about releasing their Bento capable viewer next Monday the 12th. I suspect if things go well for them they will release an update. But, FS is picky about quality, so there could be delays. Still I’ll bet on next Monday.

The Firestorm viewer is used by half to three-quarters of SL users. The Linden viewer is used by a quarter to a third of SL users. So, until Firestorm adopts something many developers and merchants consider too few people as being able to use the feature to justify releasing products using the feature. Continue reading

Mesh Addicts Explains Bento

Daria of Mesh Body Addicts blog has a video explaining Bento. It is great for the person that is just interested in knowing enough to understand what it is about and what the difference between the classic skeleton we have not and the new Bento Skeleton,

Daria promises to provide more information in a future animation.

The people working with mesh clothes will notice Daria’s ideas about collision bones is a bit off, not as precise as one would need for a tutorial. But, for a light weight explanation she is accurate.

Awesome. Thanks.

Second Life: Bento Update 2016 w46

RL has kept me away from recent meetings I wanted to attend. The Bento meeting being the more interesting one in my mind. Fortunately Inara Pey made it to the Bento meeting. See: Project Bento User Group update 34 with audio.

Countryside 3

Countryside 3

Word from the meeting is the recent Project Bento viewer release fixes some of the tenacious problems. It adds a Reset Skeleton and Animation selection in addition to just the Reset Skeleton into the avatar’s right-click drop down menu. This is an attempt to handle most of the problems a few older animations have when run on a Project Bento viewer without changing how Project Bento’s animations handle bone/joint position. Think compromise.  Continue reading

Bento News w/44

Strawberry Singh has a video out on the Catwa mesh head. It covers the features of the mesh head very well. Her article, Catwa Catya Bento Mesh Head, provides more detail. Some of the minor problems with the head are touched on. Most impressive are the facial expressions (TM 12:00).

The last half of the video is showing the sliders at work.

Bento is still in Beta and a release candidate viewer is required to see Bento mesh items correctly. So, I think it is still too early to be buy Bento products. The designers have things yet to figure out, problems to find, and labeling to establish.