More Ebbe Altberg from 2018 VWBPE

There is a video of Ebbe at the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference. Daniel Voyager posted it and I picked it up from his site.

There is about 4 minutes and 20 seconds of a test pattern at the beginning. I’ve started the video 4:20 in. So, you only have a couple of seconds of it.

If leave the display of the video on mid-size display you see the live chat recorded scroll in the window to the right. Different links will display the chat differently. I thought this was the better one.

The location and computer rendering of the scene both suck. Sad. This looks like something from 10 years ago. The audio has apparently not been edited. So, you’ll have some volume issues but it is OK. Continue reading

Second Life – Firestorm Survey – Help?

Canary Beck is now the ‘marketing manager’ for the Firestorm team. The team has taken on the mandate to improve a Second Life™ user’s experience. The marketing manager’s job is to persuade people to try Second Life. So… how can you help?



The easiest thing to do today is click over to Canary’s site and answer two questions: New survey: Would you refer a friend to Second Life?

It appears this information is part of an effort to figure out how to shape the Firestorm Gateway experience.

Second Life Blogger’s Meeting

SL Blogger Support is planning to have an in-world meeting. I think Candy Canary Beck is organizing it. It is for this coming Saturday, 10/3 @ 1PM SLT. See the post here: SL Blogger Meetup Announced. Location: Basilique (SLURL) – Harvey’s Bar To the East of the landing point. Arrive early, it takes some time for things to download and render.

A Little From The Middle - Two Fisted Typist

A Little From The Middle – Two Fisted Typist

This is a general discussion held in text chat. To keep the group’s conversation coherent Candy Canary uses a set of discussion rules. One person has the chat box for 5 minutes or until they say DONE, whichever comes first. Then the group has the next 5 minutes to respond to the person. The right to the chat box moves around the room.

Second Life & RL: Avatar Safety

Every so often I find people doing things in service to others which I think people should know about. Lindal Kidd teaches a 90 minute class on Avatar Safety. That class is becoming of interest in RL and in several places in Second Life™.  Learn more here: Avatar Safety Goes Off-Campus.



Classes are scheduled for:

Caledon Oxbridge University
Care and Hope Center
Virtual Ability, Yellow Hibiscus Cabana
Virtual Ability, Yellow Hibiscus Cabana
Every Saturday, 1200 SLT
Saturday, September 26, 1700 SLT
Friday, October 2, 1200 SLT
Saturday, October 3, 1700 SLT