Second Life Blogger’s Meeting

SL Blogger Support is planning to have an in-world meeting. I think Candy Canary Beck is organizing it. It is for this coming Saturday, 10/3 @ 1PM SLT. See the post here: SL Blogger Meetup Announced. Location: Basilique (SLURL) – Harvey’s Bar To the East of the landing point. Arrive early, it takes some time for things to download and render.

A Little From The Middle - Two Fisted Typist
A Little From The Middle – Two Fisted Typist

This is a general discussion held in text chat. To keep the group’s conversation coherent Candy Canary uses a set of discussion rules. One person has the chat box for 5 minutes or until they say DONE, whichever comes first. Then the group has the next 5 minutes to respond to the person. The right to the chat box moves around the room.

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