The last few days we have had some people complaining about login issues. I’m one of them. But, the problem is so erratic and apparently random I can’t put any useful information in a JIRA.
This morning there was some issue with logins. Only 17,000+ were on when I logged in at 10:45 Am SLT. On my trackers next update, 19,000+ were on. That 17k is an extraordinarily small number. The low for the day is about 7,000… but it may have been zero. My tracker only grabs data every 10 minutes. A lot can happen in the computer world and RL in 10 minutes.
I currently show 3,000 to 2,000 people logging in every 10 minutes. This is indicative of some grid wide problem.
Status only says they are investigating intermittent login issues.
Update 11:00 AM SLT – Seems the problem is a DDOS attack. See Unscheduled DDoS. This is not a Linden Lab specific attack. Early indications, often wrong, suggest it is possibly an attack on America. I would not be surprised to trace it back to North Korea. They will likely react to the sanctions just placed on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. So, appease them now and face a nuclear attack later or deal with them now?
Did you know the average duration of a mass shooting is three minutes? What is the response time of the police in your neighborhood, to your sports arena, movie theater, or school?
There is a rollout to the main channel this week, # From the UG meetings, we learned there is a fix in this version that is thought to fix a viewer crashing problem. Seems the server after running for some time would send bad information to the viewer, which then crashed.
My region updated at about 5 AM SLT (?) or 13:11 GMT.
Blue Steel RC channel will update Wednesday with version # This is a ‘tentative’ update. It is described as Internal fixes and Simulator logging improvements. Leaves me wondering if the person posting the release note info is in the loop… or x-CIA.
Le Tigre and Magnum RC channels will update to version # This is listed as having the same updates as Internal fixes and Simulator logging improvements…
The main viewer remains on version Released in week #7.
Second Life Love Me Render Viewer version – This is the RC version of the project viewer, which appeared in week #4.
Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – This is an update from version released in week #6.
Second Life Media Update Viewer version – This version released in week #8.
Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – This is the L O N G promised update. It appeared last week after my news update was out. I posted about its update here, The Newly Revised 360-Snapshot RC Viewer is Out. I think this update shows the viewer spent a lot of time on the back burner. There are improvements. Nice ones, but not impressive. An example of the camera’s output is here. The stitching leaves a lot to be desired and it is fuzzy.
There are cameras in the marketplace that capture and output the set of images one can manually stitch into a 360-image. Photoshop and other image editors can do a better job of stitching. I requested the ability to choose whether a stitched image or an unstitched image set is output, BUG-214659 – 360 Snapshot.
Second Life Project Animesh Viewer version – Updated last in week #4.
Other Viewers
Black Dragon is about to update… article. The article contains a good bit about the POSER built into the viewer. This is a feature the SL Photographers love. And it is a pain to use and does serious brain damage when you try to figure it out.
Posing requires moving bones, which is more about rotating bones than actually moving them. I can’t think of a good RL example to explain the problem. Suffice to say in some ways computers are REALLY dumb. So, roll, pitch, and yaw in the computer world get complex. The order in which you change them may make some positions impossible to attain. NiranV is tackling that problem and trying to make an easier to use Pose tool.
The Lab is interested in the tool so we will eventually see something similar in the Linden viewer.
Third party viewers… I suspect they will have to adopt the Poser… eventually. Firestorm is an archive of viewer features. However, you may notice a number of features in Black Dragon have not been added to third-party viewers. It appears to me there is an array of reasons why and some measure of drama mixed in too, personalities. Avoid taking sides.
You may or may not be aware the viewers have a recorder. In Firestorm it is in the top menu Developer (Ctrl-Alt-Q)->Recorder. Basically, you turn it on and walk around. It records the avatar’s motion, the path it walks. NiranV is planning to expand its capabilities.
Also, NiranV is building a fully customizable side panel… It is more difficult than it sounds, at least for how NiranV plans for it to work.
Cool VL Viewer – – Updated 2/18. I’m just now noticing. And Cool has a Linux version…
Other News
Maybe later today…
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