Second Life News 2013-15 #3

…em, which then send the animation to the viewer. Kelly explains this is an animation by animation thing. The servers never send groups of animations. Group Ban Functionality Baker Linden is working on adding the ability to ban people from groups. He has the first draft of the technical doc written, and is having some other lindens looking over it to discuss anything that might need to be changed. If no problems are found, he can start coding. A qu… Continue reading

Animation Overriders

…it, landing, etc. You must select the proper category before dropping your animations in. This then places the animations in folders within the MilkShake AO Folder. Each category has a folder. Links Stands Added Links, and this is a big, this AO uses LINKS. I can use no-copy animations in any built-in AO that uses links. The original animation is never moved into an AO HUD or special folder. It can stay in inventory and a link is used in the AO fo… Continue reading

Content Creation UG 2017 w16

…r the default the “walk animation” becomes more of a slot or pointer to an animation than an actual animation. The same idea is what I think they have in mind for additional animations. Nothing has been said about what they may do with a default ‘tail’ animation when a specific animation is not supplied. I would assume they would just not play an animation. Trying to build a duck-waddle-tail-animation would likely be a disastrous joke. There just… Continue reading

Second Life News 2013-18 #2

…up. The ‘selection arm animation’ is not currently in the list of default animations that can be replaced with user animations. Maestro Linden tells us from the Linden side that the selection animation is called ‘editing’ and it is a priority 2 animation. That means it can be overridden. Whirly Fizzle tells us that in Firestorm and some other TPV’s one can disable it by using the Debug Setting to disable pointer target using PrivatePointAtTarget…. Continue reading

Second Life News 2013-15

…(), Maestro is quoted saying “poseball type objects should (now) use llStopAnimation(llGetAnimationOverride(“Sitting”)) instead of llStopAnimation(“sit”) in order to play nicely”. Maestro’s advice apparently does NOT work, as the animating furniture script will not return a useable animation name from llGetAnimationOverride(“Sitting”), unless that animation file exists in the furniture (the chances that the AO’s animation files exist in the furnit… Continue reading

Second Life Scripting Changes

…and smoother.” Maestro points out, “Poseball type objects should use llStopAnimation(llGetAnimationOverride(“Sitting”)) instead of llStopAnimation(“sit”) in order to play nicely.” And Kelly adds, “Seats and poseballs should probably continue to use trigger animations.” Summary If you are not into scripting, these may not seem like important changes. I think they are and find them very exciting. I expect many things to change and animations to be m… Continue reading

Second Life Content Creation UG Video Index 2017-07-27

…will set actual values. 0:16:00 – While the bounding box is not changed by animation (for physics collision) animation can change the scale of an object. So, will animated scale changes change the Bounding box? Not planned. There is a known hack that does that. The plan is to have the size of the mesh as imported change the size of the skeleton and set the bounding box. 0:18:00 – Are we going to be able to rig attachment points? Discussion. Watch… Continue reading

Animation Overrider Scripting Information

…re not part of the animation state machine on the server, neither are idle animations for example. The parts of animation that are handled elsewhere (typing) or on the viewer only (idling) aren’t covered. I’m not sure which case swimming fits in. These [new] LSL functions are a *very* thin access layer to the server’s animation state machine for each agent.” I suspect we will see new AO HUD’s appearing soon. I also anticipate the built-in AO’s of… Continue reading