I’m a Feedly user. Feedly is a ‘News’ aggregator. It is the primary starting point for my daily information processing. Seems they are looking at new ways to explore the massive amount of information being generated. See: Introducing feedly’s New Explore Experience.
Their point is that SEARCH in Feedly could be better. No DUH! Feedly search is near useless to me. I either use Google or DuckDuckGo, with Duck being the being the escape from Google’s AI showing me what it thinks I want to (or should?) see.
But, that is changing. The results page is going to have tabs allowing us to filter results. One of the filters is “Influencers’. Searching for ‘design’ we need to narrow a search for type of design. They are adding handy tools for doing that. Most interestingly we can filter a set of results by which sites are ‘influencing’ design or whatever we searched on.
My first question is how do THEY decide which sites are influencing design? They don’t tell us much. They use site metrics. Coverage is one such metric. They describe it as: % from all posts, that each reader reads on average. [sic] Another is Avg. Read Time, described as: on average, how much time a reader spends on reading an article. That’s all they say.
Where do they get the metrics? Possibly from our use of Feedly, I’m guessing.
The feature is pre-release. Coming soon. I’m looking forward to it. The idea of revealing ‘influencers’ I find intriguing.