Lindens Speak…

A new post appeared in the SL Blog, 8/2 @ 9:33 AM… hmmmm… See: Recent Second Life Developments – What’s New and What’s Coming!

Afternoon Dream I
Afternoon Dream I

Project Bento is the first mention. If you have been following you know Project Bento is nearing a point where the viewer can promote to RC status.

Visual Outfit Browser is next on the post. This is addition to the Outfits Panel that allows you to save a picture of the outfit and use that to identify the Outfit.

New Visual Outfits Browser Project 2016-06-07
New Visual Outfits Browser Project 2016-06-07

I’ve played with this and I am looking forward to it. But, I have some reservations. First, the Lindens don’t really understand how it will be used and the coming problems. I think that because the Lindens I know seldom change clothes, avatar appearance, or shop. If there is a Linden with more outfits than I have, I would be really surprised. I think the Visual Part of inventory is basically well designed. But, the tools we need for managing a large visual inventory are not there.

We’ll see third parties adding to the feature and people filing feature requests. So, I expect the feature to evolve. For now I expect to enjoy using it. In the process I’ll be figuring out how to arrange my outfits.

Oh… and you can download and start using, now, the RC viewer that has the Visual Inventory feature.

The QuickTime™ replacement is out. VLC will be the replacement built into the viewer. There is an RC viewer with the feature. So, you can play with it now. Those building products that use QuickTime can use the viewer to test and develop revised or new products.

Experience Tools are in use in the new Learning and Social islands. These are the regions new uses come into. The Lindens say the retention numbers for people having this introductory experience are up, significantly. They are still testing what works best but, this sounds like a step forward.

Gaming Island – This is interesting. This is a place where you can learn to play the skill games available in Second Life™. Best of all you can play for free. I suspect you can’t will real money. But, it should be fun.

Server Upgrades – In the Deploys thread in the forum and at the Server User group meetings we haven’t heard a lot about what has been happening with the servers. Mostly internal, security, anti-griefer, and data logging changes. Not too exciting and not things the Lindens will go  into detail about. If it is security or anti-griefer not much as said as the Lindens don’t want to give any clues that could help the hackers. But, the servers have been changing.

Group Chat Bans – They found a fix for some deficiencies in the feature. This will make a lot of group managers happy.

Jelly Dolls – This feature has been out a little while. They have moved the control out where it is easier to find. It is now on the first page of the graphics settings.

TSL, Verified Email, CoreHTTP, and bug fixes have been rolled out in a steady stream.

Marketplace Search – If you haven’t been clicking over and using the new search in the Marketplace, you have been missing out. It is a much better search. In this post they announce they are close to rolling it out and dropping the old search. Also, changing out the backend that locks up almost nightly. So, new infrastructure too.


I think this post makes it clear most of the work is under-the-hood stuff. It is hard to report  on as most is mostly technical and means little to most users. This is a nice summary. It shows that while reporting and announcements are down, work is progressing.

3 thoughts on “Lindens Speak…”

  1. Yes you can win real money at Gaming Island. 🙂 All of the games are connected to contest boards that pay out a small $L prize to the top scores every few hours.

      1. YW! It’s basically like how Linden Realms and PaleoQuest also give out small $L prizes. Gaming Island is connected to the Portal Park.

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