Second Life – Inventory Loss Warning, Yikes!

Have you heard about people losing inventory? Probably. Seems there is a bug on the loose that can clean you out.

I answer lots of questions on the SL Forum. I hear a constant stream of “I lost…” Mine and several other people’s best answer has been the Firestorm Wiki page: Missing Inventory. But, those steps do not work for this problem.

Today I see there is currently a more serious problem. And even worse, my best-informed authority on such matters, Whirly Fizzle, says there is no fix, for now. Ouch!

Worst Fears

Worst Fears

So, what is the bug and how are people losing inventory?

Here is what people describe happening. They get a popup saying Trash is full or overflowing. It has a button to empty Trash now. I suggest always selecting LATER. Avoid emptying trash from the popup.

They click EMPTY NOW and poof stuff they are certain was not in trash poofs away.  Continue reading

Second Life: News Bits 2017 w18

I do bits when either there isn’t much to report or for whatever reasons I’ve missed UG meetings. This week RL work had me busy. So… its bits today.

vessione 2

vessione 2

Inventory Loss

Empirically, we seem to be seeing more inventory loss. Apparently Grumpity Linden was at the Thursday Beta Server UG meeting talking about the Lab responding to complaints. Inara made the meeting and covers the discussion (here).

I’ve seen more posts in the SL Forum about people losing inventory. The cause is generally thought to be a poor connection or a flat inventory – having everything in the root or first set of subdirectory folders.

The Lab is apparently thinking either users are accidentally self-deleting things or there is bug eating inventory. While they look for a bug they are changing the viewer’s user interface (UI) to reduce the possibility of accidental deletion.

So, at some point we will see the Empty Trash process changes and another ‘Are you sure…’ prompt when deleting things.

See: BUG-100541

Profile Pictures

People seem to be having problems getting images into their profiles. See: BUG-100516.

Second Life Inventory Changes

From the Third Party Developer’s meeting we learn a bunch of inventory changes are ready to roll out to RC testing. But, they are waiting on the HTML HTTP* viewer, Azumarill. Once the viewer is out, soon, the HTML HTTP part of these changes can start rolling to the servers.

For her Light...

For her Light…

This is another significant change in technology. For users it will be mostly transparent. You aren’t going to have new features or buttons, at least as far as I know. You will have fewer problems and inventory operations will be more reliable and I suspect quicker. Less chance of losing inventory.  Continue reading

Second Life News Week 35 #2

From the Third Party Developers’ meeting last Friday we got some new information about inventory and the viewer caching system.

Second Life Inventory

The Linden engineers are still looking at inventory loss issues. A few weeks ago they asked for feedback from those losing inventory. How did you do that, type stuff. Ever since they have been working on fixing those things that lead to inventory loss.

44 Eaton

44 Eaton

One cause is apparently something to do with how inventory is organized. You may remember that one can be blocked from logging in by having too many items in a single folder. Somewhere above 5,000 items in a folder can be a problem depending on your connection and computer speed.  Continue reading