This video is about the mover behind the 1920s Berlin Project in Second Life™.
We know this person as Jo Yardley. She is inspiring. Drax wrote this on the YouTube site: Continue reading
This video is about the mover behind the 1920s Berlin Project in Second Life™.
We know this person as Jo Yardley. She is inspiring. Drax wrote this on the YouTube site: Continue reading
I am sure everyone with even a vague awareness of what is happening in Second Life™ has seen the Flufee Missions, or at least knows of them. I’ve featured several of them. The videos are made by the creative Draxtor Despres (RL: Bernard Drax).
A problem has come up with Flufee. The problem has to do with intellectual property rights. While Drax has made the videos, he did not create Flufee and that has become a problem. So, no more Flufee videos by Drax and associates.
The Flufee avatar is made by an avatar named Dirty Lynx or may be more accurately the Bytegang peeps. You can see the full body mesh avatar in world at Bytegang (URL). There is no doubt it is a cute and creative. And there are various types of these full body avatars. Continue reading
A new Flufee video is out today. Draxtor describes it:
I [Drax] visited “The Arrival” by Rose Borchovski a few days ago & I have to say: immersive art (or whatever we should call a digital-installation-interactive-performance-3D-persistent-sculpture-space-what-
A new Flufee episode:
With no Metareality podcast for the last couple of weeks we will have to get by with Draxtor Dupree’s latest episode of Flufee. Watch out this has a trick plot twist.
See… the meanie killed the hero…