The Viewer Managed Marketplace (VMM) is coming to Second Life™. Soon. The Lab will transfer products to the new system with some limits. Kate McLaglen put in a support case to find out the limits. Dakota Linden replied with a message. Kate posted the response. It came up in my reader, but I cannot access the page in the SL Forum. Go figure.
June 1, 2015, 7:31 a.m.
Dakota Linden
Hello Kate McLaglen,
Thank you for your comments regarding the notification about the automatic migration of your products from the current systems to the new Viewer Managed Marketplace system.
The automatic migration process has a cap of 5000 items. If you have more than 5000 items, this number must be reduced before the auto migration process can occur for your store.
Any products that have not had a sale in over 1 year are archived. If you do not wish to have your products auto migrated, I will be happy to notify the Marketplace Team of your decision.
Your products will then need to be manually migrated to the new system before the Magic Boxes and Direct Delivery are discontinued as all products under the old system will automatically be unlisted from the Marketplace website.
Please confirm that you do not wish to have your store auto migrated and that you will manually migrate your products.
Once I have received your confirmation, I will notify the Marketplace Team of your decision.
Kind Regards,
Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support
There is a thread in the forum where discussion about the VMM has been/is ongoing. There are several comments from the Commerce Team in the thread. So, the Lindens are watching the thread.
It may not have occurred to you, but a number of products in the marketplace are those of people that have left Second Life. I wonder if the Lindens will archive the items of those that have not logged in for a year? Probably not. If it is selling, they are likely to leave it or at least I think Dakota’s comment suggests that.