Second Life News 2019 w08

We have some news. Nothing too earth-shaking Firestorm did get their Animesh supporting viewer released. EEP server-side is behind expectations by another week. But better to fix before grid-wide release. The third-party dev UG  (YouTube video) was last Friday.


No roll to the main channel. We are staying on version # They found an issue while the planned to roll version was in RC last week. So, there will be a new RC of this one Wednesday. But the regions reaching two weeks without a restart will be getting a restart.

Take over

Take over

An issue for some has come up. If the regions are restarted at different times their day/night cycle gets out of sync with adjacent regions. When the main grid is restarted for an update all those regions are pretty much in sync for daytime.  Regions that have been restarted at various times for some reason get left out of the two-week no update restart, at least I think that is what is being complained about.

Seems the Lindens are not deliberately trying to do a daylight time sync. It is just however it works out. They consider when daylight happens as up to the region owner. Continue reading

Second Life News + 3rd Party 2019 w05 and 06

The third-party Dev UG meeting was short and griefed. The video is here. Pantera Północy, the videographer, edited most of the griefing out. Annoying.


The main channel got an update, # Has logging to gather baseline information on simulator performance in various areas of interest and additional internal logging. So, they are now getting data from the majority of the grid.

N383 What To Wear

What To Wear

If you drive, fly, or sail now would be a good week to be active. Of course, Tuesday afternoon is a good day to drive, fly, or sail as the most regions have just been restarted.

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Second Life News 2019 w05

There is no Deploys thread this week. From the Server-Scripting UG we hear,

[12:05] Simon Linden: For server news, there wasn’t an update to the main channel today but tomorrow will see 3 different RCs
[12:06] Simon Linden: We’ll have a new maintenance update in one channel
[12:06] Simon Linden: Another that only has internal changes
[12:07] Simon Linden: and _maybe_ an update for the EEP servers, but Rider is going after a bug that’s blocking that from moving forward
[12:07] Joe Magarac (animats): The “time is stuck” bug?
[12:07] Simon Linden: exactly Joe
[12:07] Simon Linden: yeah that one is a show-stopper …. and he’s working on it right now

Server-Scripting Meeting

So, no roll to the main channels and 3 updates likely coming to the RC channels Wednesday.



Also, notice:

Scheduled – We will be conducting scheduled maintenance on our inventory system on Wednesday, January 30 from 6:00 AM until 7:00 AM PST. During this time, some residents may experience difficulty rezzing items.

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Second Life News 2019 w03


No Deploys post this week. Simon Linden tells us there will be an RC rollout. My main channel home region did not restart today, Tuesday.

The only change Simon mentions is more logging is added to the RC.

Can't stop the dawn

Can’t stop the dawn


The main/default viewer remains version Last updated 2018 week #50.

Second Life Bugsplat Viewer version – Last update was in week #47. 

Second Life EAM Viewer version – Last updated 2018 week #51.

Second Life Love Me Render Viewer version – Last updated in week #50.

Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – Last updated in 2018 week #10.

Second Life Project Bakes On Mesh Viewer version – Last updated in week #50.

Second Life Project EEP Viewer version – Last updated in week #51.

Takes some time for things to start moving after the holidays. Plus, the flu is starting to hit. (Flu Map)

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Second Life News   #51


The main grid was to get version # on Tuesday 12/18. My region did not get a restart. The last restart was 12/4 and my home region is running this version. So… wasup?

The three RC channels updated to version # Wednesday.

The RC Snack channel is said to be running an EEP version

At the Server-Scripting UG meeting, there was some discussion of how the coming ability to change avatar names might work. It quickly becomes obvious that third-party service providers need someway to ID avatars with changing names. Think ‘redelivery terminals’.

It was noted that the new LSL functions for Animesh are not included in the Wiki LSL documentation. Oops. The Lindens are looking to get that fixed.

One of the server updates seems to be causing people to disconnect. This is more of a problem in ADITI. If you are seeing the problem let the Lindens know which region and what date and time.

No UG meetings until January 8thContinue reading

Second Life News 2018 w49

Busy RL. Work, shopping, traffic, border closed…


There is a deploys post… everything is TBD…

This is the second week for the main channel without an update. So, there will be restarts.

We probably will see an update to the RC and Snack channels. But, one will have to be at the Server-Scripting UG to get any clues.

A Midnight Clear - 03

A Midnight Clear – 03

The word from the meeting is the RC’s are getting an update with internal fixes… Simon Linden says they took out a large amount of logging code dealing with mesh. Like from back in the mesh-development days. Now that mesh mostly works, the logging is not needed.

Voice is a problem over on ADITI. They are working on that. The fix is in the pipeline.

There is some new code for region crossings. This code will limit the ‘prediction’ calcs and hopefully, reduce rubber banding. Simon doesn’t know which release will have that code. So, we likely won’t see this code until after the holidays.  Continue reading

Second Life News 2018 w47

Adobe is killing me… Premiere Pro 2019 is SSOoooOOoo messed up. I keep hoping for a follow-up update to fix it.

So, I have a little time to keep up with SL while I wait on them and try to think up workarounds that won’t require big chunks of my time.


It is Monday about noon as I start writing. No Deploys thread post. Maybe later?

rewrite the stars

Updating on Tuesday from the Server Scripting UG meeting, still no forum post on the deploys.

The main channel was updated this morning (Tuesday) according to Simon Linden. My region restart meter should my main channel home region was restarted. It is running #

The main and RC channels are all supposedly running the same version today. There are no more updates this week but there are some planned for the first days of December… per Simon.

We are approaching a series of no-change-windows… So, not much will be happening. Because of Thanksgiving in the USA, there are no Thursday or Friday UG meetings.

In the first week of December, we should see a new LSL function: llReplaceAgentEnvironment. This function only runs from an Experience enabled script… meaning it has to be part of an Experience. Continue reading

Second Life News 2018 w42


Mazidox Linden says there is no roll to the main channel this week. The channel will stay on version #

All three RC channels will update Wednesday to version # The changes are listed as Internal Changes.




The main viewer is still version, released in week #40.

Second Life Animesh Viewer version – Updated in week #41.

Second Life Bugsplat Viewer version – Last updated in week #37.

Second Life EAM Viewer version – Moved from Project Viewer to RC in week #40.

Second Life Love Me Render Viewer version – Released in week #34.

Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – The previous version released in week #34. This is new this week.

Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – Last updated in week #10. The back-burner version…

Second Life Project Bakes On Mesh Viewer version – Last update week #39.

Second Life Project EEP Viewer version – First appeared in SL RC Viewers week #41.

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